Nov 06, 2005 14:53
After Jeffery Dahmer killed and was put to prison, they questioned ways to give the family of the victims money...there were charitys raised and such things. Then however people came up with the idea to do a "Dahmer auction" and auction off all of the items from his appartment and the money to go to the victims family...this auction was to include the knives he used to cut his victims apart, the pots and pans he used to cook his victims and even down to a simple lava lamp he had in his appartment. The police agreed to allow it. Luckily a wealthy man from the city made a complaint and they decided against it...
Think about how sick it is that they would make a fortune off of things he used to cut people apart, torture them and cook them with. It's sickening. However, think about how many people would buy those things. Think about how if those items were in a museum, you'd want to see them...
Notice our fascination with death, gore, and the destroying of humanity...doesn't that technically make us immensely sick for our interest in this? And its things like that that make you wonder just how far most of the people around you are from being capable of doing things such as that.
We are sick people and the line that stops us from going over the edge is thin and slowly breaking apart...