(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 13:30

I've been in a really, really crap mood, lately. Not 100% sure we're even still going to DragonCon, but I hope we do... it'd be nice to get away for awhile.

Finally got most of the doll stuff out of storage. Woot! Just spent a couple of hours playing dress-up for the first time in months (first time ever, really, for Dinah). I also switched eyes... Fox is back to Dru's default light blue, St. John is now wearing the dark brown that Dinah came with, & Dinah is sporting Fox's default grey.

The grey eyes are extremely paperweighted, & about 4mm larger than the ones Dinah came with, so they sit back in her head a little bit more than they should. It doesn't look bad, but it does turn Dinah into one of those "follows you everywhere" picture thingies. I didn't notice until I looked up to where Dinah is sitting above my 'puter & saw that Dinah was looking back down at me. I've inadvertantly changed my "sweet" doll into the creepiest thing, ever. o_O

Check it out... (forgive the washed-out flash crappiness... I didn't feel like dealing w/ real lighting):


I wonder how long it'll take before my Squeezypet asks me to move Dinah somewhere he doesn't have to look at her. ;D
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