Feb 15, 2005 20:19
"Affection" in the sense of grasping or covetous stinging itch to caress a favored object or being, like a fickle paramour her siamese cat, or a fickle timed tonguelicking girl her boy lover, the nervous twitch to "hold" "keep" "possess" "caress" "fondle" "stroke" "hug" --- all transient as a bubble in the sea of time but not anything more than the transient craving for a candy bar, not any nobler or exaltable as human love, just a lot of nerve wracked twaddle of the restless fingers... For behold, it's because they're in love with themselves that they want you to look at them all the time and keep drawing your attention -- in love with themselves and not with you, for if they really loved you, they would not disturb your natural tranquility of mind --- Therefore the most beneficial teaching in this world is the teaching by silences and example of silence and repose ----- But some must bake the bread, and some eat it, and the bakers are agitated --- Bake therefore yr own bread, calm . . . If you dote on the love of another human being, every time you disturb (her him) to draw attention to your loving, you do her a disservice as of hating. Beware of lechery and then beware of the conspiring earnestness. . Be like a junk drunk punk, hang motionless in the wait for the time to wheel around . . .
- Jack Kerouac; from Some of the Dharma