Hopefully someone will see a bit more than just Blah Blah Blah

Oct 27, 2005 09:25

"Try no to become a man of success but rather a man of value."

Albert Einstein said this but you dont have to be an Einstein to realize the truth behind what he said. I find that in my life i do not try and build relationships with every person that comes my way. Rather make each relationship that does come, strong, loving, and above all "priceless". Everything substantial in my life has value beyond exchange. I dont expect much from others. Simply a reaction and perhaps some willingness to accept what I have to offer.

"A smile can go a thousand miles."

Lately thats been on my mind. Working in sales, I've come to realize all different types of smiles a person can give and the feelings behind those smiles. Not just at work, but everyday, I try my hardest to never give one of those half smiles. Its like giving a hug without feeling, a kiss without passion and desire, or having a conversation without really listening. There's a difference between hearing and listening. When you speak to me, I listen to every word you say and i can see every emotion plus more in your eyes, without judging you. And when i kiss you, my heart tightens because words can not explain the feelings through that kiss. So i kiss you harder. So when you see me, smile like you mean it because chances are ill be smiling at you. If you do anything in your life, do it 110%. If not, whats the point in doing it at all? Dont expect something great if you dont have enough in you to give just as much. Im the type of person that finds happiness when others are happy. But i can tell who takes advantage of that and who is too stupid to think that ill always have something to give without them ever feeding me back. I might be throwing candy now, but soon ill run out. Life will be over before any of us know it, and sooner than some of us hope. If you're going to take advantage of something, let it be life and its opportunities. Dont take time for granted. If you want to do something, DO IT. If you want to tell me something, good or bad, tell me. Dont be afraid to hurt me. If you have something to say, atleast have some dignity and say it. Dont beat around the bush and ignore me, or my phone when i call.. And even though it goes against everything i stand by, ill most likely still be around waiting for you anyways..

My coach from last year had a closing speech to everyone on our team after we won city championships. (What What?!?!) He told me that in every game, no matter how hot it was, how strong the other team was, how numb to pain my body became, i would still give it 110%. When they ran, i ran faster. And when they shoved me down, i got back up, bloody knees and all, and played like they were feeding me even more strength. Between soccer and my mother, im set on my ways. If i do something, im gonna do it right and 10 times better than you. And no one can argue with that. I know the power of my body and my mind. The only thing i have to get straight is my heart. If you compare my heart to my legs, then my heart is completely out of shape. It hasnt gotten its fair share of excersize.. and running 3 miles without stretching.. well lets just say ill be sore for a little while... = )

Love you all
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