Aug 23, 2004 20:22
So........last night, I was very tough on the phone talking about my recent break up and how I was so happy it was over and stronger for it blah blah blah
It's all true, but THEN I come home.......find some pictures of us as a happy couple (that are now in my box marked MAFIA)....and realized that he leaves for Europe tomorrow. I remember in January, he asked me if I wanted to go. Funny how things work out. I'm still happy that we aren't together but I have to admit that it is very weird to think about how different things could have been. I could be getting on that plane with him tomorrow.
I dont' even know if tomorrow is the date anymore. The date could have changed in the last two months since I had any information on him....but it's sad just the same.
I honestly don't have any desire to call him or email him.....anything stuipd like that. I just simply started thinking about him a lot today once I realized what the date was. OOOOOOOOooooooooooo I so want to be over him!