Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2005 13:44

Well, as usual I waited until the last minute for New Years plans....but luckily I ended up going to a friend's party in North Raleigh and having a FABULOUS time! For the first time EVER, I kissed a boy at midnight. (not secretly, but actually IN FRONT of other human beings) It was nice. Nothing big to report....he's just a friend.....with benefits i guess.
Since I'm on the boy note here, I will say that I FINALLY went on a somewhat date Thursday night. It was an old friend, Aaron. He was my "boyfriend" in sixth grade, the first and only boy to ever give me a rose, AND my date to the jr prom. He is an accountant for a record company in Chapel Hill. He is also a head bartender at this very trendy bar. We had a blast. He paid, opened doors, and even walked me to my car. This could be a very "friendly" thing, but I enjoyed it just the same.
Wes, the navy boy, and I are fighting. Although it is all in my head so he has no idea. I'm winning by the way HA HA I know that he has been home for like two weeks and FINALLY called me Thursday night when i was at dinner. IT'S LIKE HE KNEW!!!!!!!! Anyways, we had kinda but not really made plans for new years. I even used the "my parents are out of town if you want to come over!" corny, I know He called me at 9 and said "i've had a head ache all day. I'm just gonna hang out here with my littler sister". According to my reference book>>>>He's just NOT that into you! Mafia
OOOOOOOOooo and before I forget. There was this really really cute boy at the party last night. He kept looking at me and finally came up and started talking to me about guitar. He plays PRECIOUS Anyways, he said that I looked familiar and actually I was thinking the same thing about him. God, I hope he isn't a cousin! LOL Anyways, he came in to say good bye to me and was like "it was really nice meeting you Valerie." Well, being the sneaky girl that I am....I snuck outside when I saw him heading for the door. He came out behind me wondering if I was driving home because he was worried about me. PRECIOUS He was like "we'll have to hang out sometime. let me get your number!" SCORE!
By the way, this was a very hippie grunge crowd and homeboy was wearing a khakis and a light blue button up shirt. PLUS he mentioned that he is a CHEM dork! Are we made for eachother or what?!?!? We'll see what happens.
As for the new year resolutiosn.....you can't start new stuff til Monday so.........I still have two more days to decide how I am going to become a better person and change the world! HA
HOLY MOLY, this is getting to be a really really long entry.
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