Nov 24, 2003 15:43

WELL...... since I've seen so many updates on everybodies weekend, I'll make one on mine.

BASICALLY, me and my very best friend **Lauren Sutton** Spent the entire weekend together... we:

-Stayed up late
-Went shopping
-Smoked butts
-Went on a date
-Drove around
-Hung out with some choice people on Saturday day&night
-Drank malt beverages
-Ate most food we could get our hands on

ALL in ALL.. it was a fucking awesome weekend. A weekend that I would have NEVER EVER EVER wanted to spend doing anything else but being with Ms. Sutton. I love her.

I also can not wait for the mid section of this week, because that means i get to go home again, and hang out with the Suttonator, as well as alll of the other fabulous people who will be coming home for thanksgiving. This excites me.

SO... i hope YOU had a good weekend too!!! But mine was probably better!!

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