Mar 15, 2004 21:25
Page 1
Panel 1: Long shot of a Union battalion encampment. It is late afternoon
Typical camp scene a few fires, pots of stew boiling, weapons propped against tent polls etc. Soldiers are up and about prepping camp for the evening they look exhausted.
Caption: “Never, never in my life did I think I’d be relegated to a unit like this”
Panel 2: Close shot of a lanky Union officer (Jonas). He hasn’t shaved in weeks. He has dirty blond hair. He is leaning back casually on against a tree watching the enlisted men do work. A bottle of moonshine is by his side
Jonas: (talking to no one in particular) “and to think I used to be one of Grant’s men. How was I supposed to know she was the general’s niece? Pa always said that women would be the death of me, and here I am in hell itself.”
Panel 3: Medium shot of the enlisted soldiers setting camp, some are cooking some are digging latrines, cleaning weapons and clothes. The men look forlorn, downtrodden.
One of the soldiers is writing a letter.
Caption: “Why hasn’t she written? This is my third letter this month”
Caption: “Sherman, that stew sure does smell good!!”
Caption: “I can’t wait to see ‘ol Johnny Reb , that fight today just served to wet my appetite.
Panel 4: Medium shot of 2 soldiers standing around talking they are staring over at the officer leaning against the tree. One is smoking. This panel should be bigger than the others vertically.
Soldier 1: “Look at him sitting there, getting drunk, we works our tails off and all he does is take credit for it.”
Soldier 2: “I heard he ran to some trouble with a general daughter.”
Soldier 1: “So they send here with us?”
Soldier 2: “The life of a soldier…”
Page 2/Page 3
Two page slash, overhead view of the encampment. It is circular, surrounded by trees.
You can see Union soldiers throughout the camp, numerous tents and fires. You can also see numerous Confederate soldiers and a few Americans Indians creeping through the woods surrounding the encampment. They are also within the camp This takes place minutes after the scene before.
Inset Panel 1: (Upper left of page 2) Confederate soldier shooting a sleeping Union soldier point blank with a pistol from behind. Chaos reigns in the background.
Inset Panel 2: (Lower right of page 2) An Indian grabbing a soldier from behind bringing a knife to the top of his head to scalp him. The chaos in the background is increasing.
Inset panel 3: (Top right of Page 3, small) show a Union soldier’s face in complete agony.
Inset Panel 4: (bottom right of page 3 larger than all the others) A shot of the Union Officer passed out drunk with a dead union soldier laying over top him.
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