Feb 17, 2004 09:04
A-Rod to the Yankees man o' man...
I do have to say that I predicated this about a month back I told the guys in the office that this was gonna happen!
Is it good for baseball yes and no:
First yes because, boy would I like to watch the Yanks play now, I mean c'mon DJ + J. Giambi + Shef + B-Dub * A-Rod (yes you have to mulitply, he's that good)= One heckuva a lineup...
...and no, its not good because it gives the impression that you can buy anything.
Although I do believe that Steinbrenner spends his money well and I also believe he would be able to succeed in a smaller market, hypothetically if he had a market equilvalent to the Expos, he has such a drive to win that he would make it happen (even if it means moving to new market).
and then there were none...