I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted. Is it really 24 weeks? Is the hiatus of doom nearly over? Much water....many bridges. Much to tell. I have loads on lj to read - I have not been on line much at all- I guess that will get me busy,but I am really keen to catch up. Hope nobody will mind my very delayed contributions to
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24 weeks? Where's the time gone? Glad you're still around!! Fandom's finally starting to pick up again now that we're getting so close to the premiere. You've resurfaced just in time to indulge in some fun and fret about what RDM is going to torture us with next *haha* :)
that promo kiss did me wonders, but now I am back to fretting that it will be like last season...starting off so hopefully with reunion hugs and brig kisses to die for, and then petering out into nothingness....
A valid worry. They've done it to us every season. Give us a few K/L scenes and then forget pilots know each other for episodes on end.
The only pick me up I can think of is allowing the new burst of excitement for the premiere to rub off on you. Just be happy the show is coming back and try not to think about the sucktastic ways RDM can screw us over until we see how the final season shapes up. Easier said than done, I know! I'll probably have a mini anxiety attack sometime before mid January :)
I am planning a rewatch when my season 4 set arrives, before the new season, to get me back in the zone.
I need to do that too.
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