Feb 18, 2005 13:22
okay so i'm sitting in the fag, catching up on susanna's feb. 17 xanga marathon, when suddenly, i get a call from none-other than the most beautiful susanna hentz owens, herself!!! i was just thinking about how much i missed her--she is really such a wonderful lass. so we talked for a super long time about things that shall not be disclosed on this highly-public web journal--but let's just say that speaking with her will probably be the highlight of my on-coming weekend.
when i got off the phone with her (not a single person had come into the gallery this entire hour) i really really needed to use the bathroom! so i thought to myself, i think i'll go riiiight....and then a woman walked in! what are the odds? so right now, at the beginning of this paragraph, she was walking out, and i was like yesssss she's gone and i can go! no joke, right as she was walking out this old couple (they seem rather cute) walked in...the door was not even shut in between. they've been looking at the frist print for a while now, and the wife just put down her coat...so it looks like i'll have to suffer a little bit longer....i'm seriously thinking about pulling a melissa and asking them to politely step out while i take a quick trip to the loo. oh dear...