infrequent entries should be entertaining ones

Jun 29, 2007 20:13

This morning got my hair touched up, as there is only one week until the wedding (hoorah!). After getting in the car to go back home, I noticed a lizard on a palm tree in front of my car moving in a very peculiar manner. One of the sickest things to me is seeing a lizard mating, and I wondered if that might be what this monster of a lizard was doing. I focused in on his writhing body (why, I do not know) and suddenly realized that this big guy was NOT mating. I then made a sudden judgement that seeing two lizards mating is no longer the grossest thing. Out of the giant male lizard's mouth wriggled another, rather large, lizard's tail. Mr. Big Lizard's body was writhing, not because he was making babies, but because there was another live adult lizard inside of him. BARF BARF BARF!!!

I have never witnessed something so disgusting as cannibalistic lizards. It made me want to cry, scream, and puke all at the same time. I need to not live in Florida.
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