An Artist for You to Enjoy and Support

Oct 30, 2008 15:09

My friend Julian Wass, old bottlenoser and music cohort, and proud son of the dad from Blossom (sorry, Jules), has just finished producing an album. He's set up a website where you can stream his catalog (I pointed him to Bandcamp, Joe...his player seems to have problems with Firefox).

Julian has a great, indiscriminate ear and a wonderful artistic philosophy/mindset/relationship with music. He is proficient with many instruments and styles, which enables him to be very adventurous and wide-ranging in what he creates. Plus, he's a Baby Daddy and a great guy, so any sort of support you can offer in the way of spreading what you like around or sending him encouragement would be a top-notch music kharma boost.

Here's his "narrative" video sampler:

image You can watch this video on


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