Aug 26, 2007 18:31
I finally figured out why 99.8% of all movies end with a "happy ending." Chances are it will be the only "happy ending" you'll see the whole day. I mean shit... this life usually haunts you in your sleep. You can't escape.
Watch CNN for a whole day and you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about. No matter where you go, what you do, who you are, how you got there, or why you're there anyways, you are always a stones throw away from a fine rape taking place or war breaking out or a worthless celebrity doing something blatantly illegal. It can't escape you.
Solutions? Stay at home? That's the most likely place you'll die someday. Spend time with the family? They're the more likely to kill you than (fill in the non-blood blank). Go to church? 80-some-odd-percent of all wars documented in the annals of human recording have started from one type of religious issue or another. Positively nowhere for you to hide.
Well then what do you do? Jerk your body of work in a bomb shelter until your palms grow fur? Say fuck it and ride a bomb Kubrick-style, hoping your cowboy hat doesn't break the fall? Join a pack of munging hooligans, terrorizing cemeteries and wishing this good life won't get to you? What the fuck do you do, exactly?
For starters, you got to do what makes you happy, even if that means breaking the law. The law will be broken forever and ever and ever. As long as there are douche-bags scribbling what's on the "Things to Not Do" list, there will hookers gladly breaking and re-breaking that useless list. So don't feel bad about being happy at the expense of other's happiness, because they surely won't.
You got to do something intellectually spiritual once in a goddamn while. That doesn't mean listening to the audio version of Proverbs while beating off to a sculpture of Bill Nye (even though it's usually a laughing riot). It means reading Thoreau once in a while... doing hallucinogenic drugs with people that have bigger ideas than you do... listening to "Ludwig van's 9th" and wondering about collective consciousness and how that weighs in on a sonic level... you know... shit like that.
Finally, you have to realize that the past is exactly that: history. I figure half of everyone's current problems are due to regretful yesterdays and memorable former times. Guess what? Be brave. Be strong. Fuck the past right in the (fill in the orifice of your choice) and then fuck it again. It'll be okay... you're going to be dead someday. Then everything will be history and no one will give a rat's fuck about it. How many people's "histories" do we know that lived... say... a thousand years ago? Damn near a bear-hug's amount. Law of probabilities says you're not going to be the next Plato, so fuck it.
All I'm saying is that there's no changing Aunt Past and there's nothing after the present. Absolutely nothing. It's refreshing. Live it.
In closing, I hope AOL doesn't have a special feature unbeknownst to me that let's other people know when I check their away messages, because if it does then I have a lot of explaining to do.