-"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini (December 13th thru December 19th)
http://www.amazon.com/Kite-Runner-Khaled-Hosseini/dp/1594480001/sr=8-1/qid=1166505501/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-6589595-9232162?ie=UTF8&s=books My two-and-a-half-cents:
Well... if you didn't notice, this isn't "Dracula" either. I had read some more when I lost it in the process of moving my shit back home for winter break. Unfortunately, I found it yesterday. So it's still coming sometime in the future.
After losing it, I decided to start another book. I had just bought "The Kite Runner" at Barnes and Noble and figured it'd be a good one to go at. It's about a kid's coming-of-age story living in Afghanistan right before all hell broke loose in the 70's and how the relationships he had with his father and servant/friend Hassan shaped who he would become as a adult.
It's an amazing story of regret and redemption. It's also pretty goddamn sad. Where "American Psycho" was ungodly disgusting, this one is that much depressing. Ultimately, however, it was a rewarding experience. Truly unforgettable.
I fully recommend this book
Killer Quote: "Then I saw Baba do something I had never seen him do before: He cried. It scared me a little, seeing a grown man sob. Fathers weren't supposed to cry. "Please," Baba was saying, but Ali had already turned to the door, Hassan trailing him. I'll never forget the way Baba said that, the pain in his plea, the fear."
Next: "Dracula" by Brom Stoker (cont.)