-"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" (Book 5) By J.K. Rowling (June 15th thru June 28th)
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0439358078/qid=1151720805/sr=1-3/ref=sr_1_3/102-9302825-7692929?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 My two-and-a-half cents:
This one took a while. First because it's huge, second because I was at Orlando for more than a week, third because... well... I don't like to talk bad of our Mrs. J.K. Rowling, but this one was a back step in the series. One through Four progress for the better in every conceivable facet, then this one comes along.
Don't get me wrong. There's a lot of questions answered here, and once again the climax of the book is can't-put-the-fuckin'-thing-down awesome, but it seemed wordy at times. It took almost 300 pages to really get into the story. Also, I know some people love this, but I thought the conversion of the novels from children's book to adult novel was... disappointing. The fourth year had that perfect blend of the two elements, yet this one is much more harsh and, at times, I was like, "Fuck... can life for Harry get any more shitty." And the answer was yes, it can.
I guess it's inherent in a coming of age story about a special boy that runs into trouble every chance he gets. I reckon this is just a build up for the next two. I hope...
Killer Quote: "...Ron ejaculated loudly." (What... I'd never take anything out of context)
Next: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (Book 6) By J.K. Rowling