Ok, so I'm going to put a non PC related post. I know it's been awhile since I've posted, and a semi serious non pc related post on my PC LJ is dick. But I'm currently enraged, outraged, and as I'm watching everyone else blast their LJ's with this non sense, I thought I'd take a moment to blast them on mine. Below is a cut, if you believe that you may be one of the people getting ready to be blasted, I'd suggest not reading forward. Otherwise, I don't really care if you don't like what I have to say, I warned you.
To be discussed:
The UK leaving the cam
The reset
Whiny bitchy gamers
Ok, so thus far I've seen the hate mail directed at global and WW for the UK leaving the Cam. How that effected people in the US, or how they felt that the moment it came out they were the fucking end all be all experts on a situation they knew next to nothing about completely and totally escapes me. But the levels to which I've see it taken (threatening peoples characters, to trying to get them fired from their real life jobs, to threats of physical violence) are astounding.
Then there's the reset. No, it's not what we wanted, and I do mean we. Yes, it's not the most ideal. Yes, it's got it's problems, some of which aren't being addressed on our time schedule. All of this is true. It's not the first time we've seen rulings come down that we didn't like, and I promise you, it will not in any way be the last. But again, the lengths people will go to so that their special little feelings are heard, and made clear, is re-fucking-tarded. Sure, bitch about how you don't like it. Bitch about how you felt it was sneaky or underhanded. Hell, even bitch about the idea that the entirety of global and ww didn't contact you personally to get your opinion prior to moving forward (this totally was a complaint from several members of this club). But horribly insulting people, talking random trash in order to hurt them, or threatening them, is just horrific.
But it's ok, don't fret, I have a solution! It's easy, well timed, and perfect for this set of situations. Are you ready? Are you sitting down while you read this? Are you sure you can handle it? Ok, well, if you're still reading, here it is!!!
No really, I mean shut the fuck up.
Understand that you don't know everything, and as a result whatever information you think you're working off of is false, incorrect, and half assed at best.
Understand that this club, this org, and this world doesn't revolve around you, and hold fast to that understanding.
Understand that saying things like people are whores, fucking anything that moves, people are "fags", or threatening them physically or economically over your Goddamned fun time play pretend character and/or the XP that you may have lost is insane, and you don't belong in a pretend club, you belong in a fucking looney bin.
Get that you're just not as important as an individual as you think you are. Know it, love it, hate it, I don't care, but fucking get it.
A lot of you that read my LJ are my friends, my family, my closest advisers, my most trusted allies, and the people I care most about in this world. And you may never be able to fully grasp exactly how much you mean to me. Trust that if you have to, even for a second, wonder if this rant is about you, it's most likely not. But it is most likely about someone or someones that you know. That you've heard about or seen doing or saying these things. That you felt, somewhere deep inside, while you saw/heard it was wrong. When you do, when you have, think about those people, and if they are really what you want to be associated with. Because I'm telling you, should I be standing there when these things are said or done, I hope that I have the frame of mind at that moment to simply tell them off.
In the mean time, if the things I've said here today do relate to you, they do touch home, and you are one of the people I'm talking about here that have taken this shit way, WAY, too fucking far. Then I suggest you follow my advice, and shut the fuck up. Because honestly, no one fucking cares.
Have a nice day kids! J out!