I get told Kincaid, Charlotte, Aukete, Zelda, Tech, and Thib are all going to this gathering in "nowhere" New Mexico. This domain that appeared as if from nowhere but claims to have been there all along. Ran by the house of Wax. A bunch of retards that claim an Invictus title and hold NM only because their too tubby to move off the throne. So I decide that it's best I roll with'm. Not that they actually need me for this, but more because I like to make sure when they don't "need" me I'm still around.
So we get there, and Kincaid says we're on "vacation." This always means different things. I generally figure for her and me specifically it means we're on vacation fer bout 20 seconds before stupid happens and we have to go to work. But, vacation it was.
They handed out this little flyer. It was a listing of the officers o' their "imperium" and back story fer them. Ya got ta the first page and it obviously became a joke. Someone was pokin' at'm ta see if they could get arise. Well, it did, we laughed somethin' fierce through the whole thing.
Carter Grant is known in every court in the States. Nice that the only thing they miss is the moron is known everywhere because his own covenant can't stand the idea he still exists. Until the damned excitement started, I was contemplating challenging him to Monomacy just to prove either he was a coward, or a dead man. Stupid muts shouldn't be allowed to continue bitin folks, in our world it makes more stupid folks with super powers.
Then the prince comes in and tells us that Aminestos has been captured and a blood hunt is being called on him for attempting to take the life o' the prince and his boss. At first I thought even they couldn't be this stupid. You capture "the hitman" for the Ordo, and instead of ending it, you place him in an easily escapable trap, walk away from it, and announce to his home domain in front of an actualy Imperial Prince, a sorcer that makes the entire domain look like they've just watched too damned much Harry Potter, Thib, arguably the greatest strategic mind this worlds currently got ta offer, and two of Kincaid's primary hitters. No one's that stupid, it's just not how you survive. And he has Alder in his title, that means he's survived for more than a few nights, he just can't be this stupid.
Oh God, he's really that stupid...
Thib nods to Kincaid and disappears from the room. Kincaid stands, having taken the final insult she'd suffer that night, and nods to the lot of us that it's time to leave. We get up and follow.
Once outside she turns to me, "it's time." I put my nose to the air. I can track damned near anything you can put in front o' me, but this was easier than usual. Aminestos has a beast that just screams "HEY, I'M RIGHT FRIGGIN HERE, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!" So I pick up the scent and I'm gone. Charlotte right behind me, and Kincaid along with Aukuete with her.
After maybe three minutes the trail is leadin me into this underground system o' tunnels and mazes. It's obviously what the book was talkin' bout. The Nos booby trapped the hell outta this whole friggin thing. It takes me a couple o' minutes but I convince Kincaid that I can navigate this better and 100x as fast if I got it in mist meaning that she and Aukete can't come. She hates this, you can see her beast all levels o' pissed in her eyes but her posture never changes. She simply nods, she knows her objection is noted.
Aukete steps forward and says she's gettin some kinda magic goin on in there. She focus' in a way I don't usually get to see her, and then she smiles and says that the magic’s will not slow my pace any. I have no idea what she saw or what she did, but I'm not about to argue it, she's forgotten more about this shit than I'll ever know.
With that Charlotte and I are mist and headed down the trail. It's harder this way but once I have a lock I don't loose it. We turn down a hall and I see what I've been waiting for. Flame throwers. I get tagged, and it burns, but my system is already reducing and healing it before it can really irritate me. Then I see the room.
We flow into the room and begin allowing ourselves to solidify. As we do I allow my beast to come forward. If I can show them what they're really dealing with and not the mask I wear to throw everyone else off, maybe I can walk outta here without having to kill too many people. Kincaid, Dad, an Starley want me to be more humane, the killin ain't helpin that idea too much.
I'm pleased to find that the captor isn't even in the room. He's on some kinda voice box. So I tell'm we're hear to take Aminestos and he's gunna hand'm over or I'm gunna rip this little shit whole to pieces. Aminestos pops his head out o' the trap he'd already freed himself from and says hello, and like nothin's gone on, continues his bartering with his captor to complete the job he's been sent here to do.
Freakin amazing this guy is at times.
Finally, I tell'm that we're here to get him out, and it's time ta go. The captor allows us to leave without having to tear into the place and shows us the fast way out. From there we hop a plane with the others and an extremely pissed Kincaid.
There's several things I know from this chance encounter.
Aminestos is dumb enough to go back in and try this again, likly very soon.
There's a dumb gangrel in Southern Arizona that believes you can't have a conversation with'er without lookin at her boobs.
The House of Wax is going to suffer, whether I help that happen or not.
Apparently, breaking the masq and causing a huge ruckus right outside of an Elysium is how you get Grant to let you into his house, as punishment.
And finally, Kincaid is pissed. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere near New Mexico when that bomb hits. She's not known for takin shit lightly when she pissed, and there's times even as one of her best enforcers, I just want to stay the hell outta that woman's way.
Sorry NW, you brought this one down on yourselves.