I'm back because there's a new NCIS. :p I know - I suck.
And before anyone goes postal on me for what I say in my notes, I've totally been converted to a total McGee fan by the McGee fanclub at NFA, who are the people I end up talking to the most, so yeah. Just a warning.
+x McGiva is one of my NCIS OTPs: Aww, yay, mini-McGiva scene.
+ LOL, that song is just hilarious.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Aww, Ziva loves animals.
+ Haha, love Palmer showing Ducky up.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: "Did you wake up in the wrong bed this morning?" Oh, Ziva. ♥
+ Semper Fido, play dead . . . The puns in this ep.
+ LOL, I have this mental image of McGee serving a dog a warrant . . .
+ ABBY! "Bad McGee!" Oh geez. If I were a McAbby shipper, that would be fodder for a million fics . . .
+ Jenny! I wonder if we'll find out a/b last week's thing now.
+ Oh, HELL YES, I LOVE Stephen King!!!
+ McGruff! Perfect! (Ahhh, now I have the song in my head - "Scruff McGruff, Chicago, Illinois . . .")
+x McGiva is one of my NCIS OTPs: And aww, Ziva's concerned a/b McGee being worried.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva looks so HOT. I mean . . .
+ Aww, Gibbs is worried a/b McGee.
+ Oh geez, Abby named the dog Jethro.
(I wonder if Abby is a pet psychic like Donna from Judging Amy . . .)
+ LOL, Tony is BAD w/ the dog references.
- No! You don't have rabies! Tony's so mean.
+ I love Nellie McKay!! That's so cute!
- Don't fight, babies.
+ Funyons. Nice.
- Stop leaving McGee behind! How am I supposed to get my pairings w/o him? :p
- No, she's going to try to keep the dog.
+ Ahhh, I want to know! Stop teasing us.
+ AWKWARD!MCGEE! Absolutely my favorite.
- Agh, I want McGiva, not McGee/random chick. :p
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva is so HOTTTTT. I don't know how she does it. Guh.
+ I love the way the questioning was shot.
+ I love Abby's license plate.
+ LMFAO, "I'm Jethro!" CLASSIC. OMG, that was SO funny.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva phoof! Whoo!
- Abby is SO mean to McGee! OMG!
+ Aww, Abby covered Jethro's eyes.
- Roar, where is my McGiva???
+ LOL, The Cure. Oh geez. Awful song, but it's great, too.
+ "I am in full scene mode!" I don't like how mean she's being, but she's hilarious.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva in interrogation! Hell yeah.
+ Ooh, this is gonna be tense.
- Damn you, Jenny! I just want to know!
+ WHOA. She totally just admitted there's something wrong.
+x McGiva is one of my NCIS OTPs: Aww, Ziva looked happy that McGee was coming. (Wow, that sounds dirty . . . I love it. :D)
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ooh, Ninja!Ziva.
- Sad!McGee phoof. :(
- Tony's being so mean to McGee. >:(
+ Yay, I love how much Ducky & Palmer are in this eppy.
- Grr, I wanted Abby to be wrong, just b/c McGee's been treated so badly this episode.
+ Ha! Tony has to dust the ship.
- Abby is bugging me. Roar.
+ Haha, that's SO typical! McGee just has the WORST luck.
- ABBY! You are just awful! You have been HORRIBLE to McGee this whole episode & now he should just up & drop everything to please you? I'm sorry, that is NOT cool. WTF. McGee will do it, too, b/c he'd do anything for Abby. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.
+ But other than everyone treating McGee like crap, I liked it. :p
PREVIEWZ: WHOA, that is SOON. Holy shit, Sacks, Fornell, Jen losing her job . . . Looks fucking AWESOME.