Blah, back to Survivor. Whoo.
- Agggggh, I totally forgot about Yau Man being voted out. FAIL.
+ At least there's the promise of drama this ep.
- But I honestly could care less. Survivor, why have you started to suck?????
? How the fuck did they predict Yau Man going home?
+ Haha, I love watching them sweep the beach. How idiotic-looking. :p
- AGGGHHH, can I once again reiterate how mad I am that they voted out Yau???? WTF. This is totally like my reaction to Project Runway last night. Ugh.
- Okay, that was a bit harsh, Eliza.
+ Ozzy is fucking amazing. Let's just say that right now.
+ Fuck, I love Ozzy. Mmm. HOT.
+ LOL, how fucking hilarious is it that James, of all people, came up with the puzzle? Hilarious.
+ Damn, I wish I was Kathy right now. *rawr*
+ Ozzy's totally going to find the idol b/c he's amazing like that.
+ YESSSSSSSSS!!!!! Oh, holy fucking shit. That's amazing. :)
+ Oh yes. Haha, I love that he's taking a lesson from Yau. That's awesome.
+ Cute. I like him talking to the fake idol.
- Hey, where the fuck is all the Cirie & Johnathon drama? I haven't seen shit.
+ Damn, Favorites TOTALLY smashed Fans. Shit. That wasn't even close.
- Is it bad that I don't even care who goes? Probably b/c the Fans are so fucking BORING.
- Okay, this is stupid. They won't even let these people participate in the challenges & if they keep losing, well, maybe they need to let them participate.
+ Thank you, people, for acknowledging that physical strength is not everything. Jesus. You need to be able to fucking work together as a team. Duh. And the young people are just going to keep losing b/c they refuse to even listen to each other & don't know how to work together. I'm not saying it would be any better if they let the older people actually participate in the challenges, but it would be a change and maybe that's what they need.
+ OMG. Whoa. I can't believe that worked. Holy shit. I'm not necessarily happy they voted him out - I don't actually know how I feel, really - but whoa, I cannot believe they got him voted off. Damn.
PREVIEWZ: Damn, a merge already? And whoa, injuries abound. Next week actually looks pretty good as of now.