is tired and going to bed soonish

Dec 28, 2007 23:57

*should be doing anything but updating LJ but hasn't updated in forever & just comment spammed Ren so is in the mood to update*


Hi, f-list! I haven't seen you guys in forever. *huggles and snuggles* Sorry I haven't been around much lately - I spend pretty much every waking moment either on NFA (NCIS Fanfiction Addiction, for those of you unaware and ZOMG, if you're an NCIS fanfiction addict like myself, get yo' ass on over there, especially if you like the same ships I do :p and even if you don't, but it's more fun if you do b/c then we can have more fun *giggles*) or doing NCIS trivia on facebook (whoo, I think I have 8000 points now!) or writing NCIS fic. Yes. I like NCIS. A lot. :p But I will have to go back to work on Monday (and truthfully? THANK GOD - I was getting beyond bored at my parents & I think my mom was getting worried about my NCIS obsession), so maybe it will die down a bit. Maybe. :p

So, really, not much to say. I went to my parents house & had a nice relaxing holiday, but I was totally ready to get back to my house. Like I said, all I did was sit around & write NCIS fanfic. I managed to write an entire 6 chapter story over the break. o_O Granted, the chapters weren't anything novel-length or whatever, but still. I'm not super fast at writing multi-chaptered things. And I hadn't even been feeling that particular story all that much when I started it. Weird.

I kinda feel like I want to talk about music now that I'm here. Man, I have been listening to a lot of David Gray lately. Could be because they play him a lot on Sirius/the CD channels on Dish Network, but yeah. Lots of David Gray. And OMG, I'm in another one of those phases where I can't get enough Imogen Heap. I want another album from her, damnit. *shakes fist* Also obsessed with Aimee Mann again. Totally digging her. And now I'm liking Foo Fighters a lot, for some reason. A certain person also got me into listening to Tool a lot more than I had in the past. *rolls eyes at self* I'm also listening to a lot more Seether & Pearl Jam & Alice in Chains & bands like that because of that same person. :p LOL. I suck, I know it. But the bands are awesome, so hey. I need to switch out the music on my MP3 player soon. I'm still trying to figure it out. It says it holds 2 GB, but it won't let me put more than 1 GB on at a time & I can't figure out how to put more on it without it taking off the stuff that's already on there. *help* I don't know, man.

But yes, let's finish this off w/ a meme stolen from both yumpops and odakota_rose:

I know very little about some of the people on my friends list. Some people I know relatively well. I read your journals, and you update regularly and in detail. Some of you I hardly know at all. Perhaps you lurk, for whatever reason. But you friended me and I thank you for your interest in my words.

But here's a thought: why not take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself. Any old thing at all. Just so the next time I see your name I can say: "Ah, there's so and so...they love to dance with their life-size stuffed walrus."

I'd love it if every single person who friended me would do this. Yes, even you people who comment all the time. Then post this in your own journal and see what gems of knowledge appear.

f-list meme, music, tool, super hyper post-a-thon 5000, seether, imogen heap, ncis, nfa, pearl jam, f-list, fandom, lj, david gray, fanfiction, aimee mann, odakota_rose, foo fighters, facebook, alice in chains, holy tags

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