Here I sit, in my costume that is quite appropriate for watching NCIS . . .
+ This is screaming "Dod Kalm" and that is totally an awesome XF eppy.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva is wearing a PINK sweater!
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: OMG, office!orgy! Sweet!
- Aww, Abby got dumped.
+ But lol, "Take a brain check?"
/ I am so unsure how I feel a/b Steven Culp being in this ep.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Hee, the black sheep/ship convo. Love it.
+ OMG, I'm so excited b/c this is still screaming "Dod Kalm" and SQUEE!
- Sad, McGee's seasick. (There's your continuity . . .)
+ LOL, I love Tony's song.
+ McBarfbag. Ha.
+ Aww, team bonding. And movie references. Yay.
+ Ninja mossad senses, lol.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: OMFG, she doesn't NOT believe - SO MONICA! (Sorry, I'll stop XF fangirling soon.)
+ Haha, Gibbs. Hilarious.
+ "Steady, Probie's stomach." Oh, that was CUTE.
- No! They can't die! NOT ZIVA! *cries*
- There's at least one more XF ep this reminds me of, but I can't think of it! Someone help . . . It involves the being exposed & not being able to leave. "Darkness Falls," maybe?
+x Tabby is my NCIS OTP: Love the Tabby teamwork.
- No! You whump Tony enough. Stop!
+ You go, bitch!
- They left McGee alone!
- Tony's being a perv!
+ This is so "Ice"! That's the fucking ep! "Ice" & "Dod Kalm" combined! Holy shit, what a combo!
+ "Firewalker," too! Holy shit! But it's SO "Ice"! Totally one of my FAVORITE XF eps!
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Yelling!Ziva! Yes!
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: MAKE OUT ALREADY! Sorry, just loving the McNozzo.
- Okay, I don't like Culp's character. He is SO Webb. Go figure.
+ Jen is ROCKING this ep.
- WHERE THE FUCK IS ZIVA?! She & McGee better be somewhere together.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: I loved that look on Ziva's face.
- He is such a fucking jerk!
- Oh shit, AGAIN!
- Shit and shit and shit some more!
+ LOL, Ducky's got like his whole own storyline going on.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: GET HIM, ZIVA!
+x Ziva is my soul mate: FUCK YEAH! She totally took that bitch OUT!
+ Wow, what an ending. Not nearly enough ship stuff, but good story.
PREVIEWZ: WHAT. THE. FUCK. HOLY SHIT. What a way to start November sweeps.