[all those minutes and days and hours]

Aug 15, 2007 22:31

Oh, I am in a good mood. I'm listening to Marty, so that DEFINITELY helps. Yum. It's his cover of "Creep," and when he sings, "I want a perfect body," I can't help but be like, "You HAVE a perfect body." Just GUH. The man is gorgeous. Yum.

Anyway, my main point of this post is reality show notes (just for tonight's eppys, though I REALLY should post the notes from TC from last week & the SYTYCD results show from Monday sometime, if ppl still want to read them - let me know), but I just had to mention that I am in a super good mood today & was yesterday, too, probably b/c I get to work in freaking BOOKS this week at work. It's seriously SO NICE. I don't have to worry about any kind of quota, though the numbers from today kinda suck b/c there wasn't much for books over there in the first place, & I was only there for this afternoon b/c the lines were seriously overflowing. It was crazy. But hopefully things are less crazy on the lines tomorrow. I love working in books. I'll be sad when Kim comes back & I don't get to work over there anymore, lol. But I'm thinking about definitely asking if I can work in bed & bath, b/c as much as I like working on the lines, it would be nice to be able to do something different. I just know that getting off the lines made a HUGE difference in my mood. It's incredible. And I bought more books! Yesterday, I bought Stephen King's On Writing (which I had been looking for forever, omg) & The Best American Short Stories of 1992 (b/c I have an obsession, like I've mentioned before) and today I bought The Practice of Poetry, which is this AWESOME book of writing exercises for writing poetry! Eee, it totally made me want to write when I got home, which I completely did until my shows came on. :p But I did manage to get one thing ready to post, which I will do once I finish this post. Hee.

I'm totally listening to winter music in the middle of August right now. Go Soul Coughing's cover of "Suzy Snowflake." \o/

So You Think You Can Dance - 08/15/07

- Oh, Cat Deely, your clothes make me want to vomit.
- Last year’s top 4 was so much better.
- Oh, God, I had totally forgotten a/b Dan. WHYYY???
+ LOL, Sex. What an awful dude.
+ Whoo, more seasons!
- I hate time-filler shows. Roar. I could totally be writing, ppl.
+ NIGEL/MARY OTP! Ahahahaha, English muffin. BEST THING EVER.
- Why does Dan always sound like such a douche, no matter what he says?
- You’re not funny, Lacey.
- Argh, I’m just so fucking pissed that Lacey’s still there. ARGH.
+ Haha, that was fun.
+ HA! Lacey got criticized. Yayness. But it just proves that she slid through & SHOULDN’T BE THERE.
+ I love Nigel. He totally only criticized Lacey. But roar, I wish it was more a/b talent. It’s just popularity.
+ OMG, Tyce & Neil match! That’s so cute!
- Ugh, do I have to watch this?
- Okay, this is just annoying, b/c it doesn’t seem like she wants it as much as some of the others.
- WTF is she wearing?
+ Adam! I so love him.
+ Oh, Neil is funny.
+ That was hot. I think Neil’s a bit goofy, but I liked it.
+ I see what the judges were saying, though.
+ That’s actually really funny, that she knocked his crotch.
- WTF, inappropriate song for a freaking Viennese waltz.
+ Beautiful. It really was. Danny is just so gorgeous.
+ LOL, I was totally expecting a scream.
+ Oh, I love how much fun Nigel & Mary are having. My babies, they are.
+ OMG, that first pic of Neil. Oh, wow. Sparkly.
- I hate teenyboppers. I really do.
+ But I LOVE Neil’s solos. They’re beautiful and calming.
+ Mary! You totally read my mind. That’s awesome.
+ Okay, so I want Sabra to win, but really, I’d be okay w/ anyone but Lacey winning.
+ OMFG, I want Danny & Neil to do contemporary SO MUCH.
+ LOL, Wade shutting them up.
+ Oh, wow, I’m almost crying. That was so beautiful. I was transfixed.
+ Nigel/Mary OTP again! I love it, omg. Mary nuzzling Nigel. Aww.
+ Mary, stop being drunk. You’re so awesome, omg.
- I don’t get the judges. I thought it was pretty clear AND well danced.
+ OMG, they just showed Travis sliding down the bench. I just came. :p
+ But Danny is super beautiful, as I’ve said.
+ OMFG, I TOTALLY JUST CAME AGAIN. Holy fucking shit, I completely just got up & totally jumped up & down like 8 times, lol. Oh, I’m totally stoked. This will be the best routine EVER.
+ The only thing that could make me cream anymore is using Tori right here. (But at the same time, I don’t want fucking teenyboppers listening to my goddess, nuh-uh.)
+ Ahh, that was AWESOME! Not exactly what I was expecting, but amazing nonetheless.
+ And omfg, PLEASE HAVE SEX NOW. That’s all.
+ Mary looks like the Cheshire Cat when she smiles. /random thought
- I miss you, Pasha!
+ I love Sabra! She’s such a wonderful dancer.
+ Fuck, is it bad that I totally want to watch that American Band show? It sounds REALLY good. (Don’t be on @ the same time as one of my other shows . . .)
+ OMFG! That was insane! Incredible.
+ WOW, that was hot. Wow.
+ And Danny, I don’t care that you’re gay, HAVE SEX WITH ME NOW.
+ Ahh, I can’t wait to see Nigel & Cat dancing together! It’s gonna be great.

Top Chef - 08/15/07

(Aw, sweet, Tim Gunn’s show totally does not interfere w/ any of my shows.)
+ Hee, CJ just said, “Holy schnikes.” I love it.
- No kidding, Casey. What’s w/ all the fucking seafood?
+ YAY! CJ WON! Oh, that makes me SO HAPPY!
+ LOL, I love how much taller than everyone CJ is.
+ Ahahaha, this is gonna be GREAT.
+ Wow, it’s seeming to go well so far.
+ I can’t believe Dale’s still there, but he’s growing on me.
+ Thank GOD Howie isn’t going decor shopping.
+ Man, I can’t wait to see what the restaurants look like.
+ NO PORK! Thank God.
- OMG, this sucks. Dusty plates? Gah, everything’s going wrong.
+ Well, @ least they had good stuff to say a/b one thing . . . Seriously, though. GAH.
- I’m not digging that random “I’m a monkey” dude. Yes, you are a monkey.
+ Man, I have no idea who won. It’s crazy.
- Boring question this week.
+ Ooh, sneaky! I like that idea, an undercover blogger.
- No! CJ’s team lost.  Makes me very sad. I just hope he doesn’t go home. Go away, Brian.
- OMFG, way to be picky a/b decor. God.
+ Wait, this might be another “You both suck” episodes. Hmm. These episodes pretty much always fail.
+ LOL, I love everyone smirking a/b Howie’s heaviness spiel. And then channeling Vincent from PR. Love it.
+ Oh, I forgot: Yay, no Gail.
+ OMG! That’s just crazy. Not sending anyone home.
+ Oh, man, to be continued. Holy crap. Gonna be interesting.

Alright, gonna go make that other post (hint hint, it's gonna be at monica_doggett) and then go to bed b/c it's almost 11 o'clock already! Argh, time certainly goes fast when I'm not at work. :/ Talk to you all later, lovelies.

shopping, so you think you can dance, music, fanfiction, episode summary, poetry, soul coughing, notes, books, writing, work, marty casey, holy tags, top chef, whee

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