Oh, I am in a good mood. I'm listening to Marty, so that DEFINITELY helps. Yum. It's his cover of "Creep," and when he sings, "I want a perfect body," I can't help but be like, "You HAVE a perfect body." Just GUH. The man is gorgeous. Yum.
Anyway, my main point of this post is reality show notes (just for tonight's eppys, though I REALLY should post the notes from TC from last week & the SYTYCD results show from Monday sometime, if ppl still want to read them - let me know), but I just had to mention that I am in a super good mood today & was yesterday, too, probably b/c I get to work in freaking BOOKS this week at work.
It's seriously SO NICE. I don't have to worry about any kind of quota, though the numbers from today kinda suck b/c there wasn't much for books over there in the first place, & I was only there for this afternoon b/c the lines were seriously overflowing. It was crazy. But hopefully things are less crazy on the lines tomorrow. I love working in books. I'll be sad when Kim comes back & I don't get to work over there anymore, lol. But I'm thinking about definitely asking if I can work in bed & bath, b/c as much as I like working on the lines, it would be nice to be able to do something different. I just know that getting off the lines made a HUGE difference in my mood. It's incredible. And I bought more books! Yesterday, I bought Stephen King's On Writing (which I had been looking for forever, omg) & The Best American Short Stories of 1992 (b/c I have an obsession, like I've mentioned before) and today I bought The Practice of Poetry, which is this AWESOME book of writing exercises for writing poetry! Eee, it totally made me want to write when I got home, which I completely did until my shows came on. :p But I did manage to get one thing ready to post, which I will do once I finish this post. Hee.
I'm totally listening to winter music in the middle of August right now. Go Soul Coughing's cover of "Suzy Snowflake." \o/
So You Think You Can Dance - 08/15/07
- Oh, Cat Deely, your clothes make me want to vomit.
- Last year’s top 4 was so much better.
- Oh, God, I had totally forgotten a/b Dan. WHYYY???
+ LOL, Sex. What an awful dude.
+ Whoo, more seasons!
- I hate time-filler shows. Roar. I could totally be writing, ppl.
+ NIGEL/MARY OTP! Ahahahaha, English muffin. BEST THING EVER.
- Why does Dan always sound like such a douche, no matter what he says?
- You’re not funny, Lacey.
- Argh, I’m just so fucking pissed that Lacey’s still there. ARGH.
+ Haha, that was fun.
+ HA! Lacey got criticized. Yayness. But it just proves that she slid through & SHOULDN’T BE THERE.
+ I love Nigel. He totally only criticized Lacey. But roar, I wish it was more a/b talent. It’s just popularity.
+ OMG, Tyce & Neil match! That’s so cute!
- Ugh, do I have to watch this?
- Okay, this is just annoying, b/c it doesn’t seem like she wants it as much as some of the others.
- WTF is she wearing?
+ Adam! I so love him.
+ Oh, Neil is funny.
+ That was hot. I think Neil’s a bit goofy, but I liked it.
+ I see what the judges were saying, though.
+ That’s actually really funny, that she knocked his crotch.
- WTF, inappropriate song for a freaking Viennese waltz.
+ Beautiful. It really was. Danny is just so gorgeous.
+ LOL, I was totally expecting a scream.
+ Oh, I love how much fun Nigel & Mary are having. My babies, they are.
+ OMG, that first pic of Neil. Oh, wow. Sparkly.
- I hate teenyboppers. I really do.
+ But I LOVE Neil’s solos. They’re beautiful and calming.
+ Mary! You totally read my mind. That’s awesome.
+ Okay, so I want Sabra to win, but really, I’d be okay w/ anyone but Lacey winning.
+ OMFG, I want Danny & Neil to do contemporary SO MUCH.
+ LOL, Wade shutting them up.
+ Oh, wow, I’m almost crying. That was so beautiful. I was transfixed.
+ Nigel/Mary OTP again! I love it, omg. Mary nuzzling Nigel. Aww.
+ Mary, stop being drunk. You’re so awesome, omg.
- I don’t get the judges. I thought it was pretty clear AND well danced.
+ OMG, they just showed Travis sliding down the bench. I just came. :p
+ But Danny is super beautiful, as I’ve said.
+ OMFG, I TOTALLY JUST CAME AGAIN. Holy fucking shit, I completely just got up & totally jumped up & down like 8 times, lol. Oh, I’m totally stoked. This will be the best routine EVER.
+ The only thing that could make me cream anymore is using Tori right here. (But at the same time, I don’t want fucking teenyboppers listening to my goddess, nuh-uh.)
+ Ahh, that was AWESOME! Not exactly what I was expecting, but amazing nonetheless.
+ And omfg, PLEASE HAVE SEX NOW. That’s all.
+ Mary looks like the Cheshire Cat when she smiles. /random thought
- I miss you, Pasha!
+ I love Sabra! She’s such a wonderful dancer.
+ Fuck, is it bad that I totally want to watch that American Band show? It sounds REALLY good. (Don’t be on @ the same time as one of my other shows . . .)
+ OMFG! That was insane! Incredible.
+ WOW, that was hot. Wow.
+ And Danny, I don’t care that you’re gay, HAVE SEX WITH ME NOW.
+ Ahh, I can’t wait to see Nigel & Cat dancing together! It’s gonna be great.
Top Chef - 08/15/07
(Aw, sweet, Tim Gunn’s show totally does not interfere w/ any of my shows.)
+ Hee, CJ just said, “Holy schnikes.” I love it.
- No kidding, Casey. What’s w/ all the fucking seafood?
+ YAY! CJ WON! Oh, that makes me SO HAPPY!
+ LOL, I love how much taller than everyone CJ is.
+ Ahahaha, this is gonna be GREAT.
+ Wow, it’s seeming to go well so far.
+ I can’t believe Dale’s still there, but he’s growing on me.
+ Thank GOD Howie isn’t going decor shopping.
+ Man, I can’t wait to see what the restaurants look like.
+ NO PORK! Thank God.
- OMG, this sucks. Dusty plates? Gah, everything’s going wrong.
+ Well, @ least they had good stuff to say a/b one thing . . . Seriously, though. GAH.
- I’m not digging that random “I’m a monkey” dude. Yes, you are a monkey.
+ Man, I have no idea who won. It’s crazy.
- Boring question this week.
+ Ooh, sneaky! I like that idea, an undercover blogger.
- No! CJ’s team lost. Makes me very sad. I just hope he doesn’t go home. Go away, Brian.
- OMFG, way to be picky a/b decor. God.
+ Wait, this might be another “You both suck” episodes. Hmm. These episodes pretty much always fail.
+ LOL, I love everyone smirking a/b Howie’s heaviness spiel. And then channeling Vincent from PR. Love it.
+ Oh, I forgot: Yay, no Gail.
+ OMG! That’s just crazy. Not sending anyone home.
+ Oh, man, to be continued. Holy crap. Gonna be interesting.
Alright, gonna go make that other post (hint hint, it's gonna be at
monica_doggett) and then go to bed b/c it's almost 11 o'clock already! Argh, time certainly goes fast when I'm not at work. :/ Talk to you all later, lovelies.