[won't keep me away]

May 25, 2007 23:38

It is time for my What Not To Wear fangirling notes! Yay! They would have been up sooner, but I got distracted reading & writing poetry. Poetry = ♥♥♥ for me. It so does. And the current poem I'm working on I am totally digging, as with the last poem I wrote. (You all should go read that one at my poetry journal, sugar_freejazz.) Okay, shameless self-promotion done.

- But I think I like Erin's look . . . What's wrong w/ being different, S & C?
+ LOL, Ugly Betty reference. Clinton WOULD watch that show.
+ Space age hooker shoes. Really.
+ LMAO, they're so insensitive a/b the vegan thing. Hilarious. They're bitches, just like me!
- I am not digging her glasses. Too square on top.
+ LOL, I was thinking Michael Jackson w/ the glove.
+ "Space hooker emo crocs." "Whores in space!" LMFAO, this show is so inappropriate. I love it.
+ Stacy all insulted a/b not being called chic, lol.
- Gross, grandma underwear.
? How can you really not care how you look?
? Why do S & C have a problem w/ vintage clothes? Geez.
+ Oh, God, Clinton in that hat.
- Stacy, you look very Cruella deVille. (Appropriate? Ha.)
(Fuck, I still need to find shoes to wear w/ my dress on Monday.)
+ Hookers & ice skaters. Man, what an eppy.
+ I kinda dig those yellow polka dot shoes.
+ Human Ritalin. Nice.
+ How long have us fangirls waited to hear Stacy say, "Oh, yes. Oh, Clinton."? Ha.
+ LOL, oh, Stacy, you is funny when you annoyed.
- Oh, come on, I like that hat, Clinton.
- God, I can't even imagine spending that much money. I'm sitting here in an outfit that probably cost me less than $5.
+ Clinton got all squeaky! I love it!
+ OMG, the shirt-shorts thing.
+ Erin: "I feel like I'm about to burst out with some kraut." OMG, I'm still laughing. And crying. Ho shit.
+ Aww, she's really cute in the hotel room. What a pretty girl.
+ Yay holding hands.
+ Hee, they signed it S & C.
- White tights! No. Bad. Ick.
+ Stacy: "Try it on, freak." Stacy, I love you.
+ OMG, she looks smokin' in that dress.
+ AND that one. Holy smokes.
+ Yay fun shopping. I want to spend $5000 of not my money on clothes. :D
- OMG, I can't believe she was going to shave her head. She'd probably still look cute, though.
+ SHE'S ADORABLE! I love it, too. Reminds me of Tegan & Sara or Mariska Hargitay or Mandy Moore,lol. What a combo.
+ Jesus Christ, she looks SO GOOD. I never thought she'd be that drop dead.
+ Oh God oh God oh God, I want to BE her. OMG.
+ I love those green earrings!
+ Clinton is like freaking crying!
- $535 for shoes! Ho shit.
+ I seriously want to like freaking have sex w/ her, she's so gorgeous.

That was fun. :) I should do that more often for WNTW. Assuming there are cute fun girls who do the show. :p

And once again, I was thinking about music & how annoyed I get when I end up liking a band everyone else seems to like. Ugh. But sometimes it can't be helped b/c a band will seriously be THAT GOOD. Like The Arcade Fire. Listening to "Rebellion (Lies)" earlier & I'm like, "This song is probably overplayed and whatnot, but I don't care. It's amazing." Yeah. That's about as mainstream or whatnot as I'm going to get. (I mean, okay, I listen to a lot of artists ppl consider mainstream, but shut up.)

I think my roommate's boyfriend is drunk. And possibly puking. I don't know. :/ If he's not puking & just drunk, that's fine, b/c he's kinda funny when he's drunk.

what not to wear, pimping, roommates, music, episode summary, poetry, notes, writing, fangirl, the arcade fire

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