[you're in the arms of an angel]

May 06, 2007 16:18

Alright, I've just been being lazy as far as posting. I should have posted this after Survivor on Thursday, but I was watching a horribly bad movie with my roommate & one of our friends, so that's why I didn't do it then. I have no excuse for the past 2 days, though. :p

Survivor: Fiji - 05/03/07 )

friends, roommates, survivor, episode summary, movies, notes

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your_nonentity May 6 2007, 22:12:18 UTC
SEE?? In this episode, Cassandra actually proved that she really needs to leave! "blah blah Yau is actually playing for himself blah blah he's actually playing to win... :D" Seriously, if you're not on survivor to play for yourself and you're not there to win, you shouldn't be there in the first place. And I'm so close to wanting to rip that damn smile of her face.

UGH. DRE CRYING = the worst. Because I joined him. I'm such a sucker. D:

OOOH. What did TV Guide say about next week's episode? And finale is next weekend!! I don't think I've been this excited for a finale since All Stars. (But for entirely different reasons. of course)


smackalalala May 6 2007, 23:00:20 UTC
No shit. I was like, why the fuck are you there if you aren't playing to win??? Stupid.

I joined him, too. I cry whenever ANYONE cries. Like Ian from whatever Survivor he was on. (I'm so bad with seasons.) I didn't care for him that much (my best friend is like in love with him, though - hence the "Yelena/Ian" tag in my tags list), yet when he started crying, trying to explain that he hadn't backed out of that alliance, I was crying, too.

Jeff wrote an article (what? Jeff knows how to write? - God, I'm a bitch), and in it, he's talking about the car challenge and says, "More debate and controversy will come from the effects of this single challenge than anything else all season and it will go down as one of the most-talked-about events in the history of our game. In the end it will amount to a decision that could be worth $1 million. At the center of the decision is a simple question: In the game of Survivor, how important is your word?" Aren't you EXCITED now???


your_nonentity May 6 2007, 23:39:10 UTC
It's like in Cook Islands. Cristina and Flica were (separately) complaining about how Ozzy and Jonathan were "playing the game". It's arguments and complaints like those that make people who make them become my least favorites on the season. I'll say I can stand Cassandra more than I can stand Cristina and Flica, but still. Same issue.

I think I lost count of how many times I cried because of Dre. It was a lot. Which is kinda why I can't hate him, although I'm excited to see him go soon.

Ahh, Ian's season was Palau - one of the very few seasons with a standable cast. I only disliked two people. And yes, I remember Ian's meltdown. I cried a little bit, but I cried more when Jenn cried about Gregg being ousted. Jenn was a favorite and I found her crying hard for me to handle. (it didn't help how cute they were. and I choked up when she was wearing his swimming trunks at that immunity challenge. so cute.)

Ohhh, that makes me fear for Yau...but who knows. Because he makes some kind of proposal. We'll see.


smackalalala May 7 2007, 00:10:12 UTC
Yeah, I know the feeling. I did like Jessica a lot, though. (I really didn't understand where the Flicka thing came from.)

I think this was the only time I cried b/c of him. But yeah, other seasons have seen me crying more. (But reality shows don't cause me nearly as many tears as my non-reality shows. Hoo boy.)

Yeah, I have no idea what's going to happen. The preview is probably out of context, too. And we know that Jeff is evil already, so it was probably just to get people to watch. :P


your_nonentity May 7 2007, 00:25:26 UTC
Flica Flame is Jessica's nickname. I guess from home, since she's a Exile Islands' Courtney duplicate Fire Dancer ish person. She always bothered me, even from the beginning when she lost the chickens. She was too whiny too. It bothered me. I've seen worse though. (Janu from Palau? UGH. One of the worst)

I think this season has made me cry more than any other. I usually get close to crying, but it really depends on what's happening and who's crying. But I get emotional about almost anything, reality and nonreality. (Heroes got me crying a few times. As did Robin Hood. Hell, I cried during South Park a few times. Of all shows.)

Naturally. And yes, Jeff is evil. But Julie makes him look like a sweetheart in their pictures together. Though he could still show a little emotion every once in a while.


smackalalala May 7 2007, 01:06:05 UTC
Ah. That makes sense. I guess I missed that. But yeah, I guess I had an automatic connection to her b/c she's a bit alternative & I always choose those ppl right away (part of the reason I LOVE Ben from SG). And Janu. Oh God. What's scary is that she looked almost exactly like my old journalism professor, whose name is Jan, I kid you not. My best friend & I would joke that they were the same person. Scary thought.

Oh, God, I don't think anyone can top me for getting emotional during shows. X-Files is the worst for me. I mean, it's an angsty show already, and then there are just certain scenes . . . Every time I watch my favorite episode of X-Files, no matter how many times I see it, there's one scene I always break down crying during. Seriously. And then there are always scenes in other shows where I'm crying. I'm seriously emotional. I cry A LOT.

Are they still together? That's crazy. And yes, he could stop toying with people's lives the way he does. :p


your_nonentity May 7 2007, 01:26:41 UTC
That is a scary thought. In general, Janu was a scary person. One of the worst quitters ever too. If not, the worst. It didn't help that she was alligned with Coby, who's probably the most obnoxious gay man I've seen on Survivor, or any reality show (maybe it was just Survivor).

I get emotional during everything. TV shows, movies, musicals, songs... Nothing wrong with being an emotional person. (Okay...sometimes it's to my detriment. oh well)

For all I know, Jeff&Julie are still together. They're a cuter couple than they sound, but what did she see in him? I mean he's....Jeff Probst! Nothing else to say about him! (IMO, he's also the number one reason Julie should NOT come back for AS2 if it happens.)


smackalalala May 7 2007, 02:24:14 UTC
Tell me about it. And my professor was evil, too, so we had a lot to say about that, lol. And yes, Coby was extremely obnoxious. OMG. But there have been worse gay men on reality shows. I can't think of anyone right off hand, but I'm sure there have been worse. :D

Yep, me too. I'm a very emotional person in general. It gets me into trouble sometimes. (Not really trouble, but you know what I mean.) Songs are pretty bad for me, too. There are a lot of country songs that really get to me, for some reason. (Maybe b/c they're sad? LOL.)

LMAO, no kidding. She probably saw those nekkid pictures of him online. (Seriously, my best friend & I were looking at random stuff online once & she found these pictures supposedly of Jeff & his junk and yeah, if that's what she was looking for, she'd find it there.)


your_nonentity May 7 2007, 02:33:57 UTC
I'm sure there are more obnoxious gay men on other shows. None of them come to mind at the moment though. Coby takes the cake for most obnoxious on Survivor though. I usually like the gays on this show, but he rubbed me the wrong way from the getgo. And he flip flops so much on opinions. Like, when Exile Island was still up, in two posts, he went from hating Terry to loving Terry and hating Aras. It was kindof irritating (although that could possibly be me and my dislike for Terry/intense love for Aras ( ... )


smackalalala May 7 2007, 02:53:58 UTC
I think it was that he was so blatantly gay that turned me off. I really liked Brad, though. He was amazing. And JP wasn't really on my list of people I loved, but when I heard him & Brad were dating, I was like, aww, that's so cute! LOL. And yes, I'm with you on the hating Terry/loving Aras wagon. LOL, I wanted to add Aras as a friend on facebook so bad earlier, but then I was like, uh, I have a link to my lj there & I have Austin/Aras stories here . . . LOL. Bad idea ( ... )


your_nonentity May 7 2007, 03:08:19 UTC
Coby was a really good example of a bitchy gay man. While I usually love gay people, I hate bitchy gay men. I just hate them. &I loved Brad too. He and JP were adorable together (few scenarios where I was able to stand JP). I don't think they're dating anymore though. D: I didn't mind Terry at first, but he was just an ass to Aras later. Too obsessed with him too. It was pretty gross. Aras and I are myspace friends, I don't think I'll add him on facebook. Who knows ( ... )


smackalalala May 7 2007, 03:20:44 UTC
Yeah, bitchy gay men can be entertaining, but at the same time, it's like catty women. Just not cool. And omg, your comment reminds me of just how many reality show ppl I have friended on MySpace, like half of Rock Star: INXS, lol. And Lee from The Apprentice. (I'm really sad Frankie doesn't have a MySpace, b/c I so miss him already & want to fangirl over him more.)

Hahahah, no kidding. He's just gross. And yes, just b/c a boy is hot does not mean I like. Like I can't think of his name right now, but hot Russian guy from So You Think You Can Dance. Hotter than hell, but I wanted him to go. :p And speaking of that, I am REALLY excited for that this summer. Last summer I was insanely into it. Holy shit. (I understand. I should go to bed sometime soon, too, b/c I have to be up at 6 AM tomorrow for work. But I want to finish a poem I started earlier. Hmm.)


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