[i turn it out in a holiday mode]

Apr 24, 2007 20:06

Mmm, I love me a good team-plot-centric NCIS episode. Um, yes, VERY LONG notes.

(Really, I have been HYPER since I got home from work, all b/c of this new episode. I hope it kicks my ass. And omg, S3 DVDs came out today. *really wants* I know this summer, I'll so want them to have marathons w/ all the time.)
+ Holy fuck. Yes. Best teaser this show has had in quite awhile.
(LOL, it never fails to amuse me how I squeal, fucking SQUEAL, over the CREDITS every time I watch this show.)
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: I think I'm gonna start shipping Tony/McGee/Ziva b/c they have so many scenes together.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ya know, I love Ziva doubting Tony. I'll admit it.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: OMG, Ziva looks so fucking cute.
+ Ha, fucking love Jen taking over.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva's cute little confused face after Tony's "fly on the wall" comment. OMG. She's adorable. I giggled maniacally.
+ POWER OUTAGE! Oh, fuck, so many fic ideas.
- Abby's computer! She even had a name! Sad!
+ OMF, Abby attempting to give Jen a hug! BEST. SCENE. EVER. OMG, Abby, this is why I love you. I totally did the lodging-the-futon-into-the-wall move there. Like 3 commercials have aired since then & I'm STILL fangirl giggling over it.
- Less Gibbs & Jen, more Ziva & McGee.
+ Gibbs/Fornell! Love it! And hey, I could go for a 3-some w/ Jen.
+x Tabby is my NCIS OTP: OMFUCK, Abby wanted Tony to come ALONE. EEE!
+x I have way too many NCIS ships AND Ziva is my soul mate: And holy shit, my orgy! And Ziva being all confused a/b the "all ears" comment, too!
- Booness. Don't bring up the gf. Perfectly good eppy till then.
+ Hee, Abby & her straws.
+ And Tony lost. Bwahahahaha.
+ LMAO, Jen. Awesome. You are definitely growing on me.
+ Abby taking her MySpace pic, lol.
+ Abby: "Ask me why I'm smiling." Gibbs: "You're always smiling, Abby." Abby: "That's because I'm a happy person, Gibbs." Hee, so her.
- NO THANK YOU. Just no. Not cool.
- Naughty, naughty, Jen.
+ Ooh, Ducky, I love you!
? Were Ziva & McGee sitting together? I couldn't tell! I must know!
+ Ooh, Gibbs/Ducky elevator scene. Don't slash them, but . . .
- Bah, more annoyances.
+x McGiva is slowly becoming my NCIS OTP . . . : And I just realized, Tony being gone & Gibbs being w/ Ducky & now Jen leaves my babies alone in the office w/ like no lights on. *squeals* Oh, ficcage, you need to happen. (I SO NEED TO KNOW IF THEY WERE SITTING AT THE SAME DESK.)
+ Oh, I'm sorry, but I like Jeanne's mother. She's funny. "Speaking of intestinal parasites, how's your father?" Heh.
- Why you splittin' up my babies, Gibbs?
+x Ziva is my soul mate: "The bigger they are, the louder they fall, McGee." "Harder, Ziva." EEE! Zivaism! (Plus, heh, that makes me want to write some REALLY dirty McGiva fic. :D)
- Oh, no! Jen is not having a good week.
(HOLY FUCKING SHIT, IT'S THE AMAZING MALEENI ON THE UNIT! /random squee a/b X-Files characters)
+x Ziva is my soul mate: *squee* Ziva in a cute top. And it's blue again! She's so pretty in blue.
+x McGiva is slowly becoming my NCIS OTP . . . : McGee's sitting right behind Ziva. So cute!
- Seriously, I just WANT TO KNOW what's going on w/ Jen & La Grenouille (sp?).
+ Hee, more Gibbs/Fornell. They're so awesome together.
+ Gibbs/Jen interrogation! Love it. I so want to see Field Agent!Jen more.
+x I have way too many NCIS ships: *orgasm* Tony & Ziva over McGee's shoulders. HOT.
+x Ziva is my soul mate: Ziva laughing! My favorite.
- OM Fucking A. That ending . . . I feel so fucking bad for Jen. And I just WANT TO KNOW what her deal is w/ him.
- Not nearly enough Ziva in this eppy, DPB. I'm disappointed.
PREVIEWZ: Ha! Relationships! And, what, a case? Oh, that is so how I feel a/b NCIS ALL THE TIME.
(*squee* I so need the 3rd season! Pauley & Lauren hugging?? Get out.)

I might come back & update again a/b other things later, but I need to take out garbage (since no one else here ever does it except Steph & I don't think she's here), & then I need to take a shower (assuming no one's taking up the bathroom for hours at a time, which happens quite often around here). And I will respond ASAP if you fangirl tonight. I also need to post a bunch of poems around the net & I am going to attempt to either write more tonight (fic or poetry, who knows) & get back to old comments (b/c I'm so bad at it & so behind - eep!). I'll talk to you guys later.

flail, squee, ncis, fangirl, episode summary, super hyper post-a-thon 5000, notes

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