Wow, my entire house smells like alcohol. It's really disgusting. The bathroom is the worst part. *shudders* I was just in there and yeah, smells like ppl were sick or something. Just that really gross bar smell. Ick.
So, just been thinking about random things, just little thoughts that have came to me or things I've noticed or whatever. Thought I'd finally compile them all into a list. Probably won't be a very long list, but just a bunch of random things and why not chunk them all together?
- Every time I get the song "Color Bars" by Elliott Smith stuck in my head, I'm constantly interspersing it w/ "I Don't Feel So Well" by Vienna Teng. Very strange.
- I had a very . . . odd dream the other night. It involved
masturbating w/ a hot dog. Yeah. That's a/b all I have to say on THAT.
- I mentioned this in my poetry journal yesterday, but when I'm standing around, waiting for the bus, and my hair is whipping around in the wind, I feel like I'm Tori from the cover of Scarlet's Walk. *dork*
- I was listening to "His Truth Is Marching On" by Mike Doughty earlier and realized how that song (along w/ "Sweet Lord In Heaven" and "Thank You Lord, For Sending Me The F Train") could almost be seen as "Christian" in nature, especially since it's starts out "They say that God is great, they say that God is love, and I believe them." But then as it's going on, I forgot about the one lyric & was like, whoops, not so much. About halfway through the song, he says, "I'm fucking starved for love." Heh. F word not so much part of the Christian song lyric.
I know there was more than that. There had to be. I can't think of anything else right now, though. Roar.
I was thinking a/b Tori earlier, though, b/c "Muhammad My Friend" came on, and then when I put on, "Liquid Diamonds" came on, and I was like, I want to learn how to play piano just so I can learn her songs. That would be AMAZING, to be able to play her songs and sing them. OMG. Not saying I could sound anything like her, but you know. I was totally singing her cover of "Rattlesnakes" (who sings the original of that? anyone know?) - at least the beginning - sometime last week. I could not get it out of my head. And then I came up with the idea that I'd grab a pile of CDs and sing different songs, but that didn't last long b/c I totally suck, lol. There are only a few of her songs I can sing & sound decent, but I won't say much beyond that b/c I don't want to have to prove it to anyone. It all depends on my mood & voice that day, lol. I think tonight is just one of those times where I'm completely in a Tori mood. I'll hear a song or two and just be like, this is why I love her so much. I could listen to her for hours on end. So wonderful. :)
Also, it's gotten to the point where every time I hear a Tegan and Sara song, I'm like, "I love this." And I don't hear them that often, so it's nice when they do come on. :) Good good singers.