Guys, I'm gonna cry. The 9th season of X-Files was totally uploaded somewhere and I don't have space on my computer to download episodes. *bangs head on desk* Seriously one of the first things I'm buying once I get a job - NEW HARD DRIVE. Seriously.
episode 1 = "Shock & Awe," season 4 finale :*( my season is done again
- Boo, I had to see Stupid right when I turned on the tv.
- Stupid proposal episode...
+ Hilarious Donna/Heather scene - Donna to Heather: "You're not a big stud." Donna to Kyle: "How am I supposed to keep all these women straight? I'm gonna need a program. Or an abacus. Or something."
+ Amy asking Bruce & Donna a/b the proposal. She so respects their opinions.
+ Haha, way to have brother & sister in the same scene. (Tyne & Tim, aka Maxine & Monty.)
+ Amy: "Why do I feel like I'm on the assembly line at GM?" Donna: "If only. They have a superior dental plan." Haha, go Donna.
+ female lawyer (forgot her name): "What? None of the nurse's present at his birth available?" Oh, this episode is incredibly snarky already. Total ♥.
- Ouch, that Kyle/Lily scene.
- Gillian thinking Peter was having an affair. :(
+ Donna bursting in on Amy & Gillian.
- The u-turn case reminds me of a quote: "Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it." (Alright, my business law class totally came in handy there.)
+ Maxine to Amy: "Did you get a ring? Did the words, 'Will you marry me?' come out of his mouth? If not, chances are it wasn't a proposal." I ♥ Maxine so much sometimes.
+ Amy putting the lamp under the leak. Classic.
- Gillian's maternity clothes are SO UGLY!
+ Maxine to the foster mother: "We never get to keep the ones we love forever. What we do get to keep is the time we have with them." ♥♥♥
- OMG, the gunshot scene. SCARY.
+ Kyle/Lily kiss!
- And then she says she took the job.
+ The Judge Gray what for!
+ Aw, yay, Walt is perfect. :)
+ Haha, Maxine & Donna playing cards.
+ OMG, "WISE UP." Aimee Mann love, completely.
+ Peter about Walt: "He must look like Gillian because he's beautiful and I'm not." ♥
- I HATE THE ENDING. I remember freaking out when I first saw it, omg.
Second episode = "Motion Sickness" season 5 premiere, boohiss, I really hate this season
- EWW, Amy/Stupid wedding fantasy/dream.
+ But I do love that things went horribly. Sign?
+ The infomercial. Haha, those are so much fun.
+ Lauren totally getting Amy to buy "The Pancake Factory."
+ Maxine telling off the intern. Awesome.
- No Bruce, some other guy, boo.
+ Aww, yay Donna baby-sitting Peter's kids.
+ Haha, Kyle telling Donna she needs to take the bar. Much in the same fashion that she told him to apply for residency, no?
+ Sean: "Yeah, I made it up. I'm a 9-year-old." Maxine: "A 9-year-old with very mature facial hair." Snark! But oh God, the 'stache.
+ Maxine: "Kimberly, the grown-ups are talking." Ooh, Maxine rules.
-x numbers words cannot even describe FUCKING DAVID MACCLAREN. LEAST FAVORITE JA CHARACTER EVER. Makes me just want to strangle someone just looking at him.
+ Yes, putting spoiled milk in Kimberly's coffee.
- OMG, are you trying to KILL ME, show? Stupid AND Creepy Psycho Killer in one episode? At least Bitch isn't going to show up, too.
- I really hated when Amy was in criminal. Juvenile was so much more interesting, and really, important. Come on.
- I miss Bruce. :( I want to see him.
- This show spent WAY too much time on the Danny Hawkins case.
+ Maxine to the new social worker: "There are dues and there are dues. Have you met Norma Rae? The cat has worms the size of shoelaces." Gross, but still funny.
+ Amy bribing Lauren. That is SO her.
+ Maxine about Kyle to Amy: "Giving you a hard time is just an added plus." Maxine + Kyle = SUPERSNARK.
- Peter's such a mess. This season breaks my heart.
+ Oh, yay, Bramy scene! I especially like: Amy: "I think I was a lot smarter then." Bruce: "No, you weren't." and then the look she gives him. Oh, I ♥ that pairing more than life. Seriously, how can you NOT ship them, I ask again.
+ Firing Spencer & hiring Donna. Love it.
+ Donna: "Whoa. Full house. This must be what it feels like to be Celine Dion every night." Amy: "Donna..." Donna: "Personally, I don't get her appeal..." Haha, so Donna.
- I hate Stu Collins (with the fire of a thousand suns...sorry, had to get the 10 Things quote in there somewhere). Just felt the need to share that again.
+ I'm crying! The end! Gillian woke up!
Yeah, in all, season 5 = not my favorite. Sure, there are good things (like Amy NOT marrying Stu and Bruce - even if he didn't actually say it - basically admitting he didn't show up to Amy's wedding because he loves her) but more bad things. Ick.