[trans] IPLE christmas entries

Dec 25, 2008 14:03

I come bearing SHINee IPLE Christmas entries!

From. Tae Min
Everyone, hello! It's the youngest, Taemin!!^^;;;
Right now we are in Taiwan, in the middle of promoting ourselves hard.
Although today we may not be under the same sky,
do not forget that our hearts are always with all of you!^^
Do you think I can meet Santa Claus, even when I am here?
Just in case, I have hung a sock next to my bed ~ everyone Merry Christmas!

From. ONEW
Hello~ everyone!
It's SHINee's leader, Onew! Hahahahaha ^^
Right now SHINee is in Taiwan~ ((GAE.DA.GA!) a/n - ??can someone help me out with this?)
The Christmas we are celebrating in 2008 as SHINee feels special.
It is even more happy because all of you, who have loved SHINee, are here as well.
Please think of SHINee as you look at the twinkling, shining stars tonight.
I would really like it if you all have a little more special Chrismas as you make beautiful memories!

From. Min Ho
Hello! It's SHINee's Flaming Chrisma, Minho.
The reason this year's Chrismas is special,
I think, must be because all of you are here with us.
I would be so happy if all of you really spent a Happy Christmas.
SHINee shall return from Taiwan's promotions to Korea as an even more shining group.
Please do not forget that all of you are always shining in SHINee's heart...

From. Key
Everyone~! How are you! It's SHINee's Key. V'_'*
First, everyone's having a great Christmas, right?
All of you who are sad because SHINee isn't there! Don't worry!!
I have come prepared keke
By pressuring (who?), I have prepared a special Chrismas image with the other members.
Right now, even the image attached to this message...jjag jjag jjag!!!
Here...then we are starting now~ please hold high hopes!
Everyone, Merry Christmas with Key '_'*

From. Jong Hyun
Everyone...it's me. Bling Bling Jonghyun...hahaha
By the way~ yesterday has everyone heard? haha
Through (MBC Radio - Taeyeon's close friend)
I sang Christmas 2 carols and read Christmas stories as the gift...how was it?
Right now, along with the image I am showing you now,
A special Carol that only SHINee could sing~
Along with all of our other songs, a touching Christmas~~~
Then, I will write up to here.

credits: wowkpop at soompi

YES TAEMIN, YOU CAN MEET SANTA >XD ...although it probably will just be Onew dressed up :X hahaha
Also, they said they posted photos, but it was just the pic of them sitting around that's on the YT vid posted earlier ( here). The same Christmas message & two carols they sang in that video were also posted on the IPLE entry.


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