The Unspecial App Post!

Jun 30, 2007 13:47

Character Name: Ando Masahashi
Series: Heroes
Character Age: Mid-twenties
Job: Internet Policeman
Canon: Heroes follows the lives of ordinary people who exhibit extraordinary powers. These special people are on quests to understand themselves and their role in the world’s future.

Amongst these amazing people is Ando Masahashi. Like all good superheroes, he’s loyal and willing to risk his life to save others, but there’s one hitch. Ando is…the sidekick. Possessing no powers of his own, he tags along with his time traveling friend, Hiro Nakamura. Where his friend obsesses over comic books and video games, Ando only has a bit of familiarity with various mainstream characters; his obsession focusing instead on women. When not working at his average company job he is surfing the internet under the alias Huggerz69; not quite understanding the line between reality and the internet, Ando seeks out the star of the pay per view adult website, who he thinks is his friend. Over time, however, he becomes infused with sidekick zeal and tries to help as much as possible. Unfortunately his plans never really work out as expected, often landing Hiro and Ando in tight situations.

Note: Ando is native Japanese and speaks fairly fluent English. He is being taken from the end of season one.

Sample Post:

Two men walk into a bar. The third one ducked.

Are all done laughing now? Because I have broken the ice with humor I will now introduce myself. I am Ando Masahashi and according to e-mail that I received from mysterious woman named Zombieluver4u, I am now your Internet Policeman and have been offered cheap prescriptions from Mexico. I think my company in Japan will understand an extended vacation if I tell them I am finished helping to save the world and now will be able to increase my stamina 5x after I finish summer job in America.

Because I am policeman of the internet I will watch for things that policy say is not good for you. First I think I must stop you from posting your pictures on sites like 4chan. It does not show humility to show yourselves like that! What will you do if your girlfriend Mary Sue sees you? For her sake I will be diligent and monitor computers closely. And do not think you will fool me! I know all tricks to bypass company’s computer security to see almost naked blonde girls! I only do this on break-time and when chief is not looking. I promise.

I know internet is a nice break from jungle outside your windows, but until you are old enough to make own decisions about what is safe to see on your computer I will have to issue warnings to bad children and then ask that you play outdoors with fire ducks that have just eaten bowls of Mystery Soup. If you have superpower of immunity to fire ducks, I will find other means of punishment until I think you are ready for internet again.

I hope you are not frightened of my toughness. I have heard that gorillas have tried to police camp before, but I think hairy beasts are not good for children and computers. Maybe my coming is like Godzilla’s revenge on King Kong? Maybe if all teenagers do not abuse internet anymore mysterious woman Zombieluver4u will make a date with me? the internet, save my love. This is now not only a job, but my destiny.

Voting went here. ♥
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