Title: Lonely Nights
Pairing: Ando/handblocking!Hiro
Rating: R!
Disclaimer: I claim no responsibility for poor writing skills.
Inspired by the masturbation poll. I. Don't know.
Thunder crashed outside the cabin. With a startled jolt Ando awoke from a sweet dream involving blondes and poles; nearly disrupting Hiro completely from the bed. His best friend remained oblivious however -- probably lost in thoughts of saving the world if the little smile on his face was any indication. Ando knew that look well, he had seen it often on Hiro's face when he was rambling on about comic book hero so and so.
Stretching a little, Ando sighed. He wouldn't be able to go to sleep any time soon with the ruckus outside and he didn't want to disturb his friend by getting out of bed. Besides, he was very comfortable where he was; Hiro's soft breathing next to him was a gentle counter to the chaos outside and it was a nice feeling to be so near to his warmth.
...his warmth. It must be the lingering sensations from his dream that made Ando's mind linger on that warmth. It was getting a little too warm now wasn't it? The storm must have brought uncomfortable humidity with it. Right? It was the storm that was suddenly causing his pajamas to cling damply to his skin.
Squirming a little, trying to remain silent, Ando slipped his pajama top over his head and breathed a quiet sigh of contentment. Ah, that was better. Scratching a hand lazily over his chest he relaxed and gazed up at the cabin ceiling in time to see a leak begin to form; a drop slowly falling to hit Hiro squarely on the forehead. Mumbling a little in his sleep, the hero rubbed at the spot before turning, his arm coming to rest across Ando's torso and bringing him to press close to Ando's side.
Lightning sizzled outside the window; the white light reflecting off of the beads of perspiration once again forming on Ando's skin. The tenseness that he felt during storms, the dream so fresh in his mind, the deep worry that he had carried for so long for his friend, all this seemed to release itself at once as the rain poured down over the camp. Carefully he slid his left arm free, sliding his hand slowly underneath the waistband of his pajama bottoms. Slowly, slowly his hand found the source of his need and enveloped it...it would probably only take a few moments --
"Ando-kun? Ando-kun!"
Ando froze as his friend's sleepy inquiry finally reached his ears. Evenning out his breathing, he feigned sleep.
"Ando-kun, are you having another nightmare? Your heart is racing...Ando-kun?"
Overdramatically yawning and oh-so-subtly pulling his hand away from temptation, Ando blinked at the concerned eyes that were searching his face for signs of distress. Despite his near brush with embarrassment, he found a reassuring smile unconsciously stretching his lips.
"Don't worry, Hiro. It was just the storm; everything will be alright in the morning."
Hiro's eyes lit up at this confirmation that unseen night-demons weren't attacking while he was sleeping. "Storms can cause very strange things, Ando-kun. Wake me up if you get scared, okay?" Hiro patted Ando's chest comfortingly for a moment before pausing in confusion. "Ando-kun? What happened to your shirt?"
Ando turned on his side away from his friend. "Don't worry about it. Good-night, Hiro." He would talk to Hiro about things in the morning.
After waffles of course.