Title: Above, Below (Through the Cracks)
doodle_writesFandom: Sherlock BBC
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Summary: London is a city with two faces. There is Above and there is Below. And Below is the city of people who have fallen through the cracks, the lost, the forgotten and the broken.
John said goodbye to Mr Rajit once he’d browsed for too long in the small shop, paid for all the things he didn’t need and had them put in a blue carrier bag. The bell above the door tinkled again as he stepped outside into what had become a bloody awful downpour.
He turned the corner, planning on going straight back up to his flat when he saw it. A great black heap in the middle of the pavement, twenty or so yards away from his front door.
Somewhere in the distance thunder rumbled.
As he approached the black mass he realised it wasn’t an abandoned bin liner full of rubbish. It was a person, a man, and there was a knife sticking out the back of his shoulder.
“Shit,” John cursed loudly.
I'll freely admit: I jumped all over this one as soon as it was posted on the SherlockBBC forum. Sherlock/John, crossed with Neverwhere and a respectable wordcount?
This story has more than just a nod to the original Neverwhere: John is lost and without direction. He has no idea what he is doing in his life and he is already beginning to slip through the cracks. Just like the BBC canon John he frequently looks to his gun and wonders what in the world he's doing sticking around since he has no purpose, can't find a job, and no one would really miss him.
In a chance encounter, he meets Sherlock--a strangely dressed man collapsed on the sidewalk with a knife stuck in his shoulder.
Well, John can't just leave him, can he?
There's plenty of adventure, and angst, a little bit of humor, some engaging characters and--of course--an excellent twist that had me surprised with my heart in my throat.
Definitely on my "read again" list <3
Link to LJ
Above, Below (Through the Cracks)