Name: Season
Age: 16
Birthday: Aug. 9th
Height: 5' 6"
Hobbies: hang out with friends/siblings, video games, World of warcraft, sewing, cooking, etc
Sports: I'm mostly just a soccer player, but once in awhile i'll run for x-country
Pets: Goats, fish, cats, dogs, ducks, geese, and chickens
Likes: music, games, animals, writing, food, candy, movies, strange objects
Dislikes: snakes, salads, paper cuts, cough syrup, pepsi, spiders, jey lag >.<
Strong points: always happy(to start), looks on the brighter side to things, makes people smile, outgoing, bold
Weaker points: moody, easily annoyed, hard to move/change opinions
Color: Blue & purple
Food: Its something my mom makes, no idea what its called ^^
Animal: Cats, of any sorts and goats
Season(summer, spring, fall, winter): I'm a summer :)
Fruit: Oh, thats a tough one...hm, I suppose strawberries now, but theres a story to why >.>
Flavor: Your going to make me choose such a thing?!
Smell: freshyly washed laundry ^_^
If you were stranded on a desert Island, what 5 things would you bring? Food, water, MP3 player, cloth, and some company
Describe yourself in one word: Animated
Which element do you most identify with? (come on people... Don't just pick the element of your favorite scout... be honest!!) Fire or as some people are now calling "light" an element as well...
Are you an energetic person or are you a lower energy level kind of person? Energetic, I'm usually bouncing off the walls
Do you act more on impulse or do you tend to think things through? I tend to think things through
Got any dreams or aspirations? Tons, but I'm going to keep them secrets ^_~
What would you say is your motto? Hmmm, I've never really thought of one...
What motivates you to start your day? The thought of pushing through even further to one of my goals so I can start another.
I'm a blonde, I swear! But the room lighting makes it look otherwise >.<
And everyone knows the cool kids play in boxes <.< ^_~