March 2008 Theme

Feb 23, 2008 23:11

Welcome to the March Challenge for SMMFC in 2008!   I hope we're in for an utterly fantabulous month since the community voted on which theme they would like to participate in.  Remember, there is no obligation to complete all thirty-one days.  You just get spiffy prizes if you do. :D Even if you complete the month-long challenge well after that month is actually over I might add.  There are absolutely no time limits on anything whatsoever, so please participate.

You've asked for it, and so you shall have it.  Out of five options, this community was able to settle on one theme, which once again won by a wide margin.  The theme for March shall be Character-a-Day.  In other words, instead of a prompt like "banana" or "sunglasses," you will recieve a different character to write a story about every day.  This means that for this month, optional themes will be waived.  In order for your story to qualify, you must write about the character given in the prompt.  And they must be prominently featured, not merely talked about or given one line.

Anyway, I hope to see lots of spiffy fanfic from everybody for this since there's going to be so much variety in subject.

All ficlet submissions should be as follows:

Version: (Anime, Manga, PGSM)
Rating: (G - NC-17)

Story or Story Link:

We'll begin in a few days!  Please be sure to check out the layout and let me know if everything looks all right. ^_^

themes, march, character-a-day

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