Week Seventy-Five Submission

Jun 30, 2007 15:10

We did a variation of this theme over at guardiansenshi with limited success.  I want to see if we can do a bit better over here. ^_^

Mixed Media
Essentially, this theme calls for you to mix at least two versions of Sailor Moon in an icon.  This can be done in a variety of ways.  You can have an icon featuring images from PGSM, but with a reference to the manga, you can have an actress portraying Jupiter in the Sera Myu musicals blended with an image of Jupiter from the anime, a manga icon with a lyric caption from either the musicals, the anime, or PGSM, or some variation on any of those suggestions.  I do ask that you include what your reference is if it is not readily apparent.  Also, just cause I'm feeling like it, you can submit up to THREE icons this week.

[*] You have until Friday, July 6th to reply to this post.
[*] You may submit THREE icons.
[*] Manga, anime, sera myu, and PGSM are acceptable. Cosplay, fanart, and doujinshi are not.
[*] Icons should be fresh for this contest.
[*] Do not advertise your icon anywhere until the contest is finished.
[*] Make sure it's LJ friendly. (100x100, 40KB)
[*] Make 'em pretty!




week seventy-five, submission

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