This is a week late, but we extended last week and I loved this entry too much to give it up! Forgive me? *puppy eyes*
This week's challenge deals with the old saying--April Showers Bring May Flowers!
I didn't have a lot of rainy pics, but since we're in May now, I focused on spring and life--hence, flower pics!!
WEEK 49: April Showers Bring May Flowers
(blank can also be found
here. IMAGE:
Click here! Sub-Theme: This week's sub-theme is to incorporate a GRADIENT onto an icon of your choice. The only requirement for the picture is that it has to include flowers!! Having trouble with gradients or don't like the ones that come with your program? Try looking at the
icongradients community--they have all kinds of goodies for your iconning enjoyment! ^_^
The rules and guidelines for this type of challenge are as follows:
(1) You may enter up to THREE icons each week, one from each category. More than one icon in given category will result in disqualification.
(2) When giving an overall theme, you must relate your icon to said theme in some way, which is open for interpretation. For example, if the overall, general theme is "use the color pink," then I expect all three icons to utilize some shade of pink. [Further clarification? This week's blanket theme is "April Showers Bring May Flowers."]
(3) All icons must fit LJ standards--they can be no bigger than 40k or 100x100 pixels. They must be in one of three formats--".gif," ".jpg," or ".png."
*(4)* BLANKS are images that are already 100x100 pixels. You may ONLY work with the blank provided--you cannot include other photographs, find a bigger version of the picture, etc. YOU MUST USE THE BASE PROVIDED.
*(5)* IMAGES are huge pictures that you are given a link to. You can crop the picture anyway that you want, as long as it comes out to 100x100 pixels. You may ONLY work with the image provided--you cannot include other photographs, find a bigger version of the picture, etc. YOU MUST USE THE IMAGE PROVIDED. If you find a version of the picture with higher resolution, comment and let the mod know--we'll up the better version for EVERYONE to use so that it is fair.
*(6)* The SUB-THEME is a theme that is added ON TOP OF the weekly theme. For example, if the theme is the color pink, your sub-theme might be to use lyrics from the song "Pink" by Aerosmith while STILL using the color pink in your icon. Sub-themes can be anything: Lyrics, structural requirements, etc. The best part about a sub-theme? YOU CAN CHOOSE ANY GRAPHIC THAT MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS. ^_^
(7) When posting, be sure to include the URL from each image in addition to whether or not you would like a banner!! Also, to point out the obvious, icons must be submitted via "img src=" so that we can all see the pretty picture IN ADDITION to the link! :-)
Questions or comments? Please post them below and further clarification will be given!
Icons are due Friday, May 12th, at 10 p.m. EST.