Project365 2011: Day 360-365

Aug 05, 2012 20:10

AAAAAAND I'm officially done with project365 2011(-2012)! So after 16 months(!) I finally got to picture day 365 with a bang! (Yes sorry, I know it must hurt your eyes to see my face as the finale :p) Anyway, a little bit of assessment right after the cut.

To get to the point, it felt pretty much of a quantity over quality thing. Midway at the project I had a difficult time looking for interesting subject matter or make an interesting photo. I guess I had a rough year, in a sense I felt lost and didn't know what direction to take in life. And it showed in my photos.

Some days were fine, and I realized I have this desire to try doing double exposure someday, when I get my hands on a film camera. At the moment I cheat by taking pictures of reflections on clear windows. Other days it becomes a photo blog, especially when I'm out with friends. Though I see how limited my space is when I only use my 50mm lens, and how embarrassing it can get to take a picture faaar away from your subject, and to have an extreeemely tight shot > o < Other days are "Ah! I forgot to take a photo today, might as well be hipster and take a pic of my mug" photography. Yep, these are when I just go through the motions of the day, feeling everything is mundane, and how heavy it was to lug around my beloved camera. This project also made me consider investing on a small and slim digicam... or a phone that takes good pictures.

But overall, I did learn to enjoy photography. I learned to like it. I learned to like it enough to know more about it, to consume more knowledge. I mean, I used to just rely on natural light and felt apprehensive about studio lighting and flash (5 years of having my camera and I still take crap-ass flash photos > o <). Now that I get to practice it, I realize the joy of being able to setup with studio lights when you see your photos on the screen.

TL;DR: Quantity > Quality, a handful of gems in a crapload of shots, and just wanting to learn more about the craft.

yaaaay, i finished proj365 omglob, project365, photoes, review, evaluation, photography

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