Project365 2011: Day 180-189

Jan 19, 2012 01:00

Epic backlog, but I'll eventually get there * A *

So hello 2012! I know it's been 2012 since a couple of weeks but I haven't been posting here sorry OTL.

2012 started tremendously great what with BBC Sherlock kicking it off with season 2. And of course it all ended too soon, with the season finale airing last sunday. Yes guys, I am seriously invested with this series. The script is amazing, not making the modern take tacky at all! We have to thank Moffat and Gatiss for that. And of course, the superb cast of not only Sherlock and John but of everyone. Especially Molly! I am attached to her I swear, since season 1 ; A ; I absolutely love her character development, especially on the last ep of season 2. Oh Sherlock!

So that's all pretty much I have to say. Except erm, I'm trying to collect pieces of work to put on my portfolio for different prospects I've been eyeing on. Ugh, hopefully I get to work on something before I go back to school.

Actually, I'm not even sure if I want to go back to school anymore. I think the idea of working is looking slightly better for me, right now. Though I am praying to get a job I really want, and not just because I feel bad for being a bum for such a LONG time OTL

Hope 2012 is looking good for you guys!

photography, random, project365, 2012, photoes, life, work what work?, photo, 2011

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