I stuck for so long in coding hell that my Photoshop skills became rusty. Memes are a poor perfect excuse for some practice *cough* and since it's Dean/Jensen-Week @
all_spn I have another justification for a small picture spam ...
My favorite character besides the Impala is Dean Winchester. No big surprise here. And I sense a certain pattern in the reason for this choice. My first true love was
Han Solo. And
Batman is way cooler than Superman. Gambit versus Cyclops - c'mon ... the list can be continued. It's always the bad boy I fall for.
Doesn't mean, that I don't like Sam. He's an awesome character and all this Sam!Girl vs Dean!Girl bitching is kindergarten.
But I'm more on the Han Solo-side of life. One can argue that Sam is the true rebel on the show and Dean the brave little soldier boy. Which is certainly true for the first season. But it's Dean's whole attitude that appeals more to me.
Writes the girl, who's the family's nerd...
He's just so dorkable. The writers of the show gave the character so many awesome lines and combined with Jensen Ackles acting something like "I'm Batman!" or "Snow White? Ah, I saw that movie. Oh, the porn version anyway." just makes me laugh.
Speaking of the acting - of course my preference for Dean is somewhat connected to the actor. If it's the
one perfect tear or the goofiest expression Ackles nails it.
To go into depth, there are several reasons why I'm really into the older Winchester Brother. Lets start with the most shallow one
(so it is out of the way) :
His appearance:
I would lie if I denied that Dean is sexy. Funny thing though - he isn't my type at all. I have the kink for long black hair going. But the eyes and lips and yes, the freckles too make up for the boyscout hair cut.
Click to view
Dean is also one of the few males who look good in plaided shirts. The henleys are quite nice as well ... But most important: He looks good in a suit. What happens to be another one of my kinks. If they only would switch back to the black Blues Brothers Homeland Security Outfits I would be the happiest bunny.
A short moment to wipe off the drool - And now on to the most important
His character:
The characterization of Dean Winchester was really the first thing that draw me to Supernatural itself. Like I said - I'm a Han Solo-Girl. Until his entrance at Sam's apartment I thought it was a nice show, that you can watch time to time. Then Dean got on stage and I was hooked. Drawn to it like a moth to a lamp - knowing that all my triggers were pushed. Boyish charm and awesome fighting skills combined in a good looking package... damn my own predictability.
And it got worse from there on. Good looking kind-of-bad-guy with
not so well hidden soft spots... (Took me some while to figure out that Sera Gamble is the shows biggest fangirl.) That just hit a nerve.
There are tons of essays about Dean's character, his Daddy issues and the relationship to his brother, so I will save myself this. Instead I give the more personal reasons for liking the character.
Being the older sibling myself I can totally relate to Deans attitude towards his brother. It's just the law of nature that you look out for your younger bro - no matter how much of a pain in the ass he is. And the whole family thing - it is the most important thing in life. You can love 'em, hate 'em, but at the end of the day you stuck with your family.
There's also one more personal thing I can comprehend - Dean's way of coping with his problems. It is awfully familiar - showing a happy face to the world, while eating up all personal stuff inside. Not one of the best traits one can have. Hurts oneself more than the rest of the universe.
On the other side Dean has this refreshing sarcastic optimism. I know it is an oxymoron but I can't find better words for it. The Apocalypse is at the doorsteps and he still can joke. And wants to go down with style.
That Dean is overall so believable, has to be credited to the writers of Supernatural. Some might bitch that his storyline is badly neglected in favor of Sam's development - with what I disagree. Supernatural is about two brothers and the development of them is connected. Both of them act and react. So the writers do an awesome job in giving all characters a lot of depth.
Dean isn't just the average dumb jerk with muscles instead of brain. He leaves the geek's spotlight to Sam, but there are more than enough moments for him to shine. One of my all time favorites is the Vonnegut quote.
Chuck: It's very Vonnegut.
Dean: Slaughterhouse Five-Vonnegut or Cat's Cradle-Vonnegut?
Sam: What?
Chuck: It's Kilgore Trout-Vonnegut. I wrote myself into it. I wrote myself, in my house, confronted by my characters.
Ep. 4.18
I nearly died when I saw this part for the first time. Knowing Vonnegut kind of excuses for not having a clue who H.P. Lovecraft was. Also it is proofed in Frontierland that Dean is a Trekkie in the closet, which adds to my list of things I like about him.
Dean: I know where we can find one: March 5th, 1861, Sunrise, Wyoming. We’ll Star Trek IV this, bitch.
Bobby: I only watch Deep Space 9.
Dean: It’s like I don’t even know you guys anymore. Star Trek IV. Save the whales.
And the last reason why I'm so into Dean: Not only can he be a geeky smartass sometimes - no, he also knows how to repair a car from ground up. . He loves his car. I would do the same, if I had a pretty baby like the metallicar (my third favorite character btw).
... since it's Dean-Week some graphic goodies hide behind the cut.
Some of the images are quite huge and will probably crash some lj-layouts (all are 800px x 500px - and some are png's)
if that's not enough I squeezed a batch of Dean-Icons into this post too.
Total count: 44 icons