meeeep ....

Sep 10, 2012 18:31

It's alive ...
Don't know for how long I have Internet Access today 0o. It's an on/off Game the last month and a half. And I'm too lazy to run every day to Starbucks. At work I only check my e-mail. And really kudos to my awesome boss for allowing me to do so. I make thirty bloody red crosses the day the construction work in our street is finally done!!!

At the moment I'm fanatically updating all my software on my laptop and desktop-pc and try to catch up with Supernatural-News and spoilers.
But one month of not so voluntarily i-net abstinence was actually pretty good for things in the creativity department. Finally sat my butt down and started to render all of my pen and paper roleplaying characters I've abused over the last fifteen years or so. (ya know, before WOW there was a time when people had sheets of papers and dices and used their imagination. And I'm one of those traditionalist ... A RPG-Nerd who still is into AD&D, Shadowrun and Vampire) ...

all done in Poser 2012, finished up in Photoshop

And my writing-muse finally returned from the two-year break. She must have made a deal with several demons, 'cause I started to write a J2-AU heavily influenced by J. G. Ballard's novel 'Empire of the Sun'.
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