Oct 13, 2006 11:32
woooo friday the 13th. i'm really all that superstious (sp) but when i have 3 tests on the same day i begin 2 wonder. they're really not all that serious...ok so they are bio, psych, and computers. but my condtioning class has been cancelled for the next 2 weeks!!! and fall break is at the end of next week!!! 'the grudge 2' comes out 2day. i may go see that with some of the girls and or the guys. depends. homecoming is 2nite at club hot. annnddddd I'M FINALLY GETTIN MY WHIP!!!! the parental units are bringin it up, dad drove it 2 work and then he's gonna meet mom in flatwoods and they're gonna ride up. mom's bringin more winter clothes and i'm excited for that cuz we jus got hit with a seriuos cold spell! like it wuz 35 this morning and i'm not sure its gotten too much warmer. i really need 2 study for my psych test at 1 and then get my summer stuff together so mom can take that back home with her when she comes. soo i guess i'll jus be fillin ya'll in either later tonight or sometime 2morrow.
2morrow's gonna be an interesting day...we work the wvu game and then we're goin out in mo-town and and and i'll be pushin my whip!!! w00t w00t hollaaaaa!!!