awww geez

Aug 09, 2006 11:58

so i went 2 the doctor yesterday for a check up. and i weigh damn near 200 lbs, not exactally proud of that but i don't appear fat and i kno im gonna lose weight and a lot of it...well at least 15 lbs or so. but i got the BMI results back and it says that i'm at risk of becoming overweight. i pretty much chill around the house all day and feel fat. mom doesn't help cuz she says i need 2 lose weight all the time. all this weight talk doesn't do nething for my self esteem!!! its things like this that throw me into depression mode...luckly i don't stay there for too long, my friends are amazing and they'll pull me out within a day or 2.

thats basically it for starts in like 2 weeks and im kinda excited...thas really weird considering i never really liked school in the first place, but i'll be 2.5 hrs from home and won't have 2 listen 2 my parents nemore, and my roomie is off the chain and we gonna be wil'n out all the time!! ok not all the time but a lotta the time. lol. *sigh* peace up, a town down

♥Tori C♥
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