May 05, 2005 22:38
right so its the 5th of may (cinqo de mayo) the day mexico got its independance from spain. that has nothing to do with anything at the moment but i thought i'd add that little fact just in case someone didn't know wat it meant.
its the night before my first operation/surgery and im scared to death. im staying up late and eating until the last possible moment (i'll prolly go get some cake and icecream hear in a few) and i've decided against going to school tomorrow. ashley and i haven't finished our powerpoint for mrs. mccoy so i guess i'll work on that for a little while. i figure i'll go to bed around 1ish and sleep til 8:45 9ish and leave for the hospital around 9:15ish. maybe anna will be around cuz i think she's flirting with death again...just like i told her not to.
the softball team beat GW in the double header sectionals and they'll play next thursday hopefully at home. i'll be there on my crutches wit my huge knee brace. yep. still scared.
i think i'll go and do something to take my mind of this whole operation thing.