(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 20:55

im not goin 2 boo williams tourney in va beach cuz i twisted my knee last sunday and its still swollen and im not even playin softball. we played nitro, in softball that is, and we lost. i didn't play yet again and this would go down as the 8th straight game i've missed due to being outta town, suspension for being outta town, or injury. i've played 2 games this entire season.

i did the ice bath 2day with cam and yea thats really cold. he almost fell asleep on my back cuz we had 2 put both our left legs in, well his left ankle my entire leg up to my knee, in the same bath....sssoooo coooolllddddd!!! yesterday was a great day. the clay brothers made my day with a couple comments and then we beat cabell midland (the then #1 team in the state) and after the game i chilled wit cam, d spur, and marcus.

because im not goin 2 boo williams i may very well go to nitro's afterprom on saturday!!! w00t i do plan on havin fun!
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