Under water

Jul 11, 2007 21:55

After weeks and weeks of expecting Montpelier to flood, guess what? We've had three days of torrential rain, and downtown Barre is now under water.

That's where I work.

At around 5:30 we started noticing the water rising on the street outside the office. We all head to the parking lot. Water is coming from the street on one side and the river on the other. Our cars are like sitting ducks.

First, we grab anything valuable from our cars. Then, we move them to slightly higher ground. The water starts coming in our front door, and is creeping up side of  the building. The fire department arrives and offers to evacuate us. But we have to get a paper out, so we all stay. Slightly panicked, since the building has flooded in the past, but we stay.

The water in the street has risen to at least 3 feet, and there are cars stuck out front. There's lots of yucky stuff floating by.

Eventually the rain lets up, the water starts receding. I haven't been out to my car, but I've been told it's OK. Although the parking lot is covered in thick, oily sludge. Thankfully I wore flip flops today and not any of my new shoes.

I'm still at work now; I should have no problem getting home since the parking lot and roads are OK now.


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