This past week must have been very boring, because I can’t think of a single thing that happened. I watched Project Runway and mourned Kayne’s auf’ing. I watched Survivor. I worked. I felt yucky and so didn’t go to the health club. I discovered the project rungay blog (thanks to CJ chat, which amazingly focussed almost entirely on Project Runway).
Yesterday was senior portrait day at our house. The weather was good, I didn’t snoop that much, and Stefan the photographer took 550+ photos of five girls in two hours. Then we went to Jessie’s house, ate Chinese food that her dad made (amazing stuff) and sat around and talked for several hours. I got to know Flaminia, the Italian exchange student, a little better.
I finally finished “The Book Thief,” which Kelly had recommended. Very good, if extremely strange because the narrator is “Death.”
And I had an
essay run in Sunday’s paper. I'm not sure I like the final edit, but in the end just decided to go with it.