2 bizarre things

Nov 10, 2007 13:33

#1: There was a magazine published by the Brown student newspaper for Parents Weekend. Inside was a full page ad with a picture of a lovely  mom and daughter, smiling into the camera, with this copy:

"Mother-daughter SALE. 20% OFF when you buy 2 of the same item!"

Sounds interesting. I love a good sale. Then I look at the fine print.

The store is called Miko. "Your friendly neighborhood adult shop." The website is mikoexoticwear.com.

Just how many mothers and daughters go shopping in sex shops together? And then buy the same item? Ewww.

I did go to the website, It directs you either to "Below 18" or "Above 18." If you click the "below 18" button, you're sent to disney online. The above 18 stuff is just what you'd expect from a sex shop, vulva puppets and all.

#2. I'm browsing through the Brookstone catalog when I see this item. It's called iGallop. Now, I have seen many exercise machines on late night/early morning TV that promise to reduce your thighs and give you 6-pack abs, but this one is just too funny. OK, it's half off, it makes sense, but still ... bucking broncos turned into exercise machine?

funnies, brown

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