Is going to be an interesting ride. Working title is Dauntless: Being an Account of the Court-Martial of One James Norrington, Commodore, of His Britannic Majesty's Navy. So if you think I'm going to spend the next several weeks watching and rewatching POTC2, Hornblower volumes Mutiny and Retribution, and the fantastic Anthony Hopkins film Bounty, you're absolutely right.
Anybody want to help me settle on a year to set the thing in? Argue for the decade you think POTC is set in, if you want to, and link me to anybody else's ramblings on the subject that I might not have seen. And if you know stuff about naval law and court-martials at that time, bonus. I'm leaning toward about 1740; what do y'all think?
For those of you who might want to follow along with my progress over the course of next month, check out
nanowrimo_wolf at LJ.
In a related story, and possibly as a partial warm-up to writing in the POTC universe (can you believe I've never done it?), stay tuned for Jack Sparrow's parents!fic.