Dec 15, 2006 15:07
Well, Gavin and I have been busy decorating for the holidays. Very exciting. We're even going to put lights on the outside of the apartment. I've never actually done that before so....yeah. I'm not sure what I'm doing which means that hilarity will insue. I'll let you know how it goes..and possibly even take pictures.
Gavin was the Kindergartner of the Week this week. This means every day this week he got to bring in or do something special with the class. It's supposed to help them all feel special and learn about different people's lives. I think it's cool and Gavin was so thrilled that it was his turn. Today was Family Friday which meant that I got to go in and do a special activity with the kids. I let Gavin choose since it was his week and he wanted to make cards. So, this morning, armed with card crafting supplies, I helped 21 children make cards for various occasions. It was so much fun. The teacher said it was the first time in awhile that they all stayed on task the whole time. w00t for me and my mad child-charming skillz. :)
And now I must gush and be an annoyingly proud parent :D because I said so. Every week the kids get 3 books to read for the week. They're categorized by level and the kids are to practice every night. They read to the teacher at the beginning of the week and she determines when they go to the next level of books. So, Gavin started off in November when this all began, reading a Level 2 book. Today he brought home a Level 5. He has progressed so quickly it's astonishing! He's already surpassed the goal for the entire year, which is to be at a Level 4 and it's only December. I love listening to him read his books out loud. His sight vocabulary is growing so much every day. It's just really cool :)
Foot still broken. Still annoyed. What else is new? :) But I feel happy right now, so fuck it! Yay for happy.