i'm writing a fic =)

Oct 03, 2007 17:05

Here's chapter 1. More soon. I've written up to chapter 4 in my journal. No title yet. Maybe as it develops you guys can help me think of one. Please review =)

Chapter 1:

The whole room was dark except for the small stub of candle that was slowly melting into a puddle of wax. On the table next to the candle, there stood an open bottle of firewhiskey. Severus Snape was in an arm chair next to the table. He was the one drinking. The potions master drained the bottle and closed his eyes. It had been a long time since he drank an entire bottle of Odgen's to himself. Severus opened his eyes and looked about. His candle had burned out.
"Shit." He muttered under his breath as the candle reignited with a flick of his wand. Smirking to himself, Severus waved his wand again and his fireplace erupted in dancing flames. He sighed.
Severus was thinking about Lily again. It had been nineteen years since her untimely death, and he was still not over it. How could he be? Lily was his first ever love, and his only love for his entire life. Sure, he had other lovers, but none nearly as satisfying as the one romp he had shared with Lily Evans in his fifth year. Oh, yes, he had a chance to ravish the witch, pity it was only once. He had her on her knees practically begging for him to fuck her. He remembered the hot, sweaty scenario that occured between them in the trophy room. She had succumed to all his pressuring and gave him her virginity.
Unfortunately, that year ended with his beloved Lily hating him and running to that arrogant James Potter. Maybe it was out of spite towards young Severus, Lily had always despised James, after all. He never knew why she ended up with him after so many years of pure hatred. The potions master sighed. He never should have called her a mudblood. He'd give any amound of galleons to take the horrid remark back and have Lily all to himself. The past was in the past, though, and Lily was dead.
Snape cursed his old master, Lord Voldemort, for committing the heinous act. How could he wipe beautiful Lily from this world? Severus was sure he would never forgive the Dark Lord for that. He had fallen, though, years ago, thanks to the handiwork of Lily's own son, Harry Potter. There was nothing he could do now.
As the professor thought of this, a large, brown screech owl scratched at his window. Snape sighed and slowly made his way to the window and the owl. He opened the window and the owl flew in, clicking his beak in expectancy as he waited for his reward. Snape, quite contrary to popular relief, was not heartless and he fed the owl a treat. He took the letter from him and the owl hooted, spreading his wings and taking off into the night, his figure a mere sillouette against the moon. Snape opened the letter and frowned more and more with each line read in a familiar, tight scrawl:
Dear Severus,

I hope you are enjoying your summer holidays. I am unfortunately writing to you on the account that Professor Flitwick has died from a poorly-fired reducto spell. The funeral is being held tomorrow at noon on the Hogwarts grounds. The staff and I would appreciate it if you would come.

Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Severus stared down at the letter in disbelief. Professor Flitwick dead? How could that be? He was quite adept at most spells, after all he was a charms teacher. He guessed that it must have been quite unexpected, poor little wizard.
Snape crumpled up the note and threw it into the fire.

Severus awoke dizzily, comming 'round from his drunken stupor. His head was throbbing. Severus opened his eyes and quickly shut them, coming to the conclusion that it was the blinding sun that woke him up. He groaned and raised himself out of his armchair. He must have fallen asleep by the fire again.
Severus walkd into his bedroom as though an inferi and looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost time for professor Flitwick's funeral. Not having time for a proper shower, he scourgified himself and changed into new robes. He then apparated from his bedroom in Spinner's End to the front gate of Hogwarts.
The potions master unwarded the gate and began walking up the winding path towards the school. The staff, dressed all in black, was standing in front of the grounds in a very somber huddle. Severus approached the crowd and did his usual sneer as he passed by professor Potter. He couldn't believe Minerva appointed the idiot to be a defense against the dark arts teacher. He assumed it was because he defeated Voldemort. Snape still argued that the boy had no business at Hogwarts, though Minerva always told him that he needed to get over his grudge against James Potter. Snape scowled at the thought of her saying that. How could he get over it when he was the one responsible for not being able to call Lily his.
"Severus," McGonagall said as Snape approached her to give her a hug. "Thanks so much for comming." He nodded curtly. Minerva sighed and started walking towards the grave of Albus Dumbledore.
Snape stared at his feet. He missed Albus a great deal. He had always believed in him and kept him safe from Lord Voldemort's complete control. Snape's black eyes glittered as he thought of the night Voldemort tried to kill him. He had set his great snake, Nagini, on him. The snake bit him in the neck and Voldemort assumed his faithful servant had bled to death. Instead, Snape was visited by Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix. Fawkes' tears healed him up for long enough to be brought to Madame Pomfrey by the strong bird. The potions master's life was saved just as Harry Potter defeated the dark Lord Voldemort and liberated the wizarding world from his clutches.
Severus' thoughts were quickly jerked back to the present as they approached a very small freshly-dug grave. Professor Sprout began howling with tears in her eyes. Minerva patted her back. Professor Flitwick had been an important part of Hogwarts. Students thought he was great and teaching and even making them laugh when a spell would knock him backward off the pile of books he was forced to sit on to see over his desk. He was going to be greatly missed by the staff and students alike.
Suddenly, a fast shuffling of feet caught everyone's attention. Severus turned around to see a brown-haired blur in black robes running towards the congregation. He immediately recognized the blur as his ex-student, Hermione Granger. Snape sneered. Granger? Potter or McGonagall must have invited her.
"Sorry I'm late." She puffed as she reached the group. "Had to go to Diagon Alley and collect school things for Rose and Hugo this morning. Hugo got off at the wrong fireplace and we had to locate him. Why Ron refuses to do side-along apparation with our kids, I'll never know." She said, shaking her head.
Minerva made her way over to Hermione and gave her a big, warm hug. "Nevermind." She said in what was probably the nicest voice possible. "I'm just glad you came. He would have been glad." Hermione wiped a tear away from her face and linked arms with Harry as they made their way over to the grave to pay their last respects to good old professor Flitwick.
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